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你们干吗在这里煽动骚动的叛乱呀。What are you up to inciting mutiny and insubordination?

指定替罪羔羊,煽动其他人鞭挞他们。Identifying scapegoats and inciting others to castigate them.

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煽动阶级仇恨不能够增进人类的手足之情。You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

煽动战争和仇恨只会增加我们的生活更加悲惨而已。Inciting wars and hatred will only add to much more misery in our lives.

警方在考虑逮捕在社交媒体上煽动暴力的人。Police are considering arrests for inciting violence through social media.

让我们继续刺激红色政权吧,这样我们的军队和军火就有用武之地了。So let's keep inciting the reds so our military can put their toys to use.

作为回应,叙利亚国家媒体发表文章煽动民众攻击福特。Syrian state media has, in turn, published articles inciting people against Ford.

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她因散发反犹传单而面临着煽动种族仇恨的指控。She faces charges of inciting racial hatred by distributing anti-semitic leaflets.

此人目前尚未服满三年六个月刑期,罪名是“企图颠覆国家”。Hu is serving three-and-a-half years in jail for "inciting to subvert state power".

对于身经那个时代的人来说,他们见过太多比这更刺激、荒诞的现实。For people in that era, there are much more ridiculous and inciting reality than this.

刘智华被控发表反政府演说煽动群众,被捕时24岁。Liu was 24 at the time he was accused of inciting crowds with anti-government speeches.

一些女人就是在遇到“煽情事件”时最终认清了哪个朋友是损友。For some women it takes an "inciting incident" to finally notice that a friend is toxic.

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中国指责热比娅煽动了发生在上个月的维族和汉族间的骚乱。China has accused Ms Kadeer of inciting riots involving Uighur and Han Chinese last month.

莫迪总理煽动了要求与中国交好的宗教情绪,这一点他做得很好。PM-Modi is quite appropriate in inciting religious sentiments for good relations with China.

联合利华被指控煽动消费者囤积货物并被处以巨额罚款。It accused Unilever of inciting shoppers to hoard its products, and slapped it with a hefty fine.

所谓的宪政,只不过是一个伪命题。In fact, the so-called "Chinese constitutionalism in a century" is only an inciting utopian thesis.

文章说,依照中国法律,刘晓波因煽动颠覆国家政权罪受到惩处。The article said that according to Chinese law, Liu inciting subversion of state power are punished.

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晚年的芭铎成了一名激进的动物权益保护者,还曾经因煽动种族仇恨而被处罚。In her later years she became an animal rights activist and has even been fined for inciting racial hatred.

另一种推测是,金正云可能会试图依靠打击对手,刺激韩国来稳固政权。Another theory is that Kim Jong Un might try to build power by dismissing opponents and inciting South Korea.

马杜罗社会主义统一党政府的立法者卡贝略认为是反对派煽动了这场暴力抗议事件。Diosdado Cabello, a lawmaker from Mr Maduro's PSUV party, blamed the opposition for inciting violent protest.