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那便是工具主义。That's instrumentalism.

我把它称作工具主义方法论。Well I have called this methodological instrumentalism.

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如何消解法律工具主义与社会公平正义的张力?How to loosen the tension between legal instrumentalism and social justice?

现代教育之困境,乃在于教育的功利性和工具性。The predicament of modern education lies in its utilitarianism and instrumentalism.

工具理性主义的课程造成悲剧性后果——“人的分裂”。Furthermore, instrumentalism curriculum causes tragic consequence the split of personality.

丹尼特的意向工具主义思想在当代西方心灵哲学中有着广泛而深刻的影响力。Daniel Dennett s intentional instrumentalism has the great effects in contemporary philosophy of mind.

这么一来牛顿提出的万有引力过程,我们把它视作工具主义,柏克莱将其普遍化。So the lesson that Newton grew in the case of gravity and Berkeley generalized as we saw in his instrumentalism.

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当你运用科学理论进行推导且得出重要结论时,工具主义便成为了关键要点。Instrumentalism is essentially the view that when you have scientific theory what matters is the results that it delivers.

法治工具主义是人类社会的普遍现象,法治目的论则是人类社会的特定历史条件下独特的现象。Instrumentalism can exist in any kinds of society, whereas teleology is an unique phenomenon under particular social condition.

而记者失职的背后则是深层的权力控制,媒介工具主义思想将记者与公众之间的关系作了不恰当的定位。The journalists' delinquency is due to the power control and the media instrumentalism which confuses the journalist and the public.

在理论与实践中,传统课程作为外在价值的手段和工具,具有工具理性主义属性。In education theory and practice, traditional curriculum is a means and implement of external value and has the property of instrumentalism.

接下来从法律工具主义的影响、普法教育的不足两个方面分析了我国目前法律信仰缺失的现实方面的原因。The legal instrumentalism of the law and the impact the law popularization education are the two aspects about the absence of the belief of law.

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文章以赫伊津哈的游戏理论阐释为基点,分析了运动文化工具性与人文性的辩证统一关系。Mainly based on this theory, the author analyzed the dialectic and integral relationship between the instrumentalism and humanism in sports culture.

吉尔的工具认识论本质上与奎因的观点一样都诉诸科学以解决认识论问题。Giere's instrumentalism epistemology was essentially the same as Quine's views, and both of them resorts to the science to solve the epistemology problems.

首先从法律程序的价值论出发,将对法律程序价值的认识分为程序工具主义和程序本位主义。First, based on the value of law procedure, the knowledge of the value of law procedure is divided into procedure instrumentalism and procedure parochialism.

缺失法律信仰,法律工具主义观念至上和行政权独尊致使司法审判权边沿化是行政消极应诉行为的两大起因。Bejing short of law belief and with legal instrumentalism the highest, be edge of judgment right by following alone administrative right, which are two reasons of it.

同时,族群的客观文化特征和主观认同、根基性和工具性是可以并存不悖、相辅相成的。Meanwhile, ethnic groups' objective cultural traits and subjective identification can co-exist and supplement each other, and so can primordialism and instrumentalism.

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个体教育观念具有工具理性倾向,教师关注更多的是教学技能、技巧层面的东西,而缺少对教育意义、自身生命意义的思考和追寻。The current personal education concept has instrumentalism inclination and teachers concern mostly on teaching skills and neglect the significance of education and life.

法律工具主义对于我国的法学理论和法制建设的发展产生了深远的影响,并直接影响到我国法律信仰的确立。The law instrumentalism has far- reaching influence on the law theory and the construction of legal system, further more, directly influence the establishment of the belief in law.

我们在拗折需求线理论史中发现经济学家相当重视拗折假设的真实性,而这意味著他们采取与工具主义相当不同的理论评价标准。We find that in the history of kinked demand curves economists put much emphasis on the reality of assumptions and adopt criteria of appraisal quite different from instrumentalism.