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打开窗。Open the window.

他试了试窗户。He tried the window.

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窗户被吹开了?。The window blew open.

把窗户摇下来吧。Roll down your window?

她坐在窗旁。She sat at the window.

把窗户关严了。Shut the window tight.

这扇窗子安装得好。The window hangs well.

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窗子提不起来。The window won't lift.

这窗户锁不住。The window won't lock.

这窗户关不上。The window won't shut.

这窗子关不上。The window won't shut.

我们可不可以坐靠窗的位子?Can we sit by a window.

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是靠窗的座儿吗?Is there a window seat?

让这个窗口保持打开。Leave that window open.

这窗子朝北开。The window faces north.

然后最小化窗口。And minimize the window.

现在可以开窗了吗?Can I open a window now?

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他轻叩窗子。He tapped on the window.

我把她放在窗户边上。I put her by the window.

冬天里守在窗边。In winter by the window.