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干扰你此时的铃鼓。To your tambourine in time.

她会演奏铃鼓。She can play the tambourine.

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感受来自铃鼓的节拍。Feel the beat from tambourine.

可以用铃鼓拍节奏。Someone can use the tambourine.

它的手上拿着一个铃鼓。It had a tambourine in its hand.

我们遇见铜钹和小手鼓。We meet cymbals and a tambourine.

嘿!铃鼓先生,为我奏一曲。Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song forme.

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嘿!铃鼓先生,为我演奏一曲。Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me.

铃鼓摇动着,我却听不到那首歌。Tambourine is shaking but I don't hear a song.

神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.

而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著小手鼓。The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine.

烧菜没有洋葱就像跳舞没有手鼓。A stew without an onion is like a dance without a tambourine.

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令人兴奋的手鼓与拉丁舞演出点燃您的情人节夜晚!Exciting Tambourine and Latin dance performance to heat up the night!

小手鼓是一种由边缘嵌有能叮当作响的小金属片的小鼓面。Tambourine is an instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks.

一个重大的社会事件,你将执行或在是在所建议的一个梦想,一。A major social event that you will perform in or at is suggested by a dream of a tambourine.

邪恶的短笛派出他的手下铃鼓去杀死所有可能阻挡他的计划的武术家。The evil Piccolo has sent his henchman , Tambourine to kill all the warriors that could foil his plans.

演出中还会请来中东手鼓高手,现场与舞者为大家献艺!Will be invited to perform in the Middle East, tambourine master, on-site and dancers performed for everyone!

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她咬着嘴唇站在那里,等着,等了将近一个小时,约瑟夫才放下手鼓、睁开眼睛。She stood biting her lip, watching, for nearly an hour, until Joseph put his tambourine down and opened his eyes.

奥斯卡的父亲在世贸中心的爆炸事件中丧生,于是他成为沿街打铃鼓的顽童。Having lost his father in the World Trade Center bombing, Oskar becomes a street urchin 12 playing a tambourine 13.

念咒语凭空变出花、铃鼓和鸽子,然后再把那些花、铃鼓和鸽子变不见。I chanted incantation turn into flower, tambourine and dove out of the void, and turn these things into disappearance.