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所以的这一切都是书写困难的表现。These can all be signs of dysgraphia.

这些都是书写困难的迹象。These can all be signs of dysgraphia.

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今天,我们将讨论书写障碍--书写困难。Today we discuss a writing disorder, dysgraphia.

今天我们将讨论写作混乱—书写困难。Today we discuss a writing disorder – Dysgraphia.

今天,我们讨论写作障碍—书写困难。Today, we discuss a writing disorders, dysgraphia.

很多人可能书写难看,但难写症更为严重。Many people have poor hand writing, but dysgraphia is more serious.

许多人的书写很丑,但是书写困难更严重。Many people have poor handwriting , but dysgraphia is more serious.

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今天,我们将讨论书写障碍--书写困难。Today we discuss a writing disorder, dysgraphia. Writing is not an easy skill.

它还可以帮助孩子谁拥有手写问题和书写困难的人。It also helps children who have handwriting problems and people with dysgraphia.

这些可能都是书写困难症的迹象,拼写困难可能也与这种混乱有关。These can all be signs of Dysgraphia . Spelling problem can also be related to the disorder.

患有书写困难的学生可能在使用电脑时能避免书写方面的问题。Children with dysgraphia might be able to avoid the problems of handwriting by using a computer.

书写困难是一中神经混乱它通常是在孩子们第一次学习书写的时候出现的。Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.

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我们上周讨论了诵读困难,今天我们将讨论写作困难。We talked last week about a reading disorder, dyslexia. Today we discuss a writing disorder, dysgraphia.

专家说,如果一个小孩的书写写得让人难以去辨读,老师和父母就应该怀疑这是书写困难了。Experts say teachers and parents should suspect dysgraphia if a child's handwriting is unusually difficult to read.

书写困难症是一种神经学上的失调,它普遍会在儿童第一次学习写作的时候出现。Dysgraphia is a neural logical neurological disorder that generally appears when children are first learning to write.

还有多种不同的书写困难症,它可能跟其他学习障碍一同出现,特别是语言方面的障碍。There are different kinds of dysgraphia . And it can appear with other learning disabilities, especially involving language.

教师可以让患有书写困难的学生口述答案录进录音机里,或用打字替代书写来完成测试。Teachers could have students with dysgraphia taketesttests by speaking the answers into a recorder, or type their work instead of writing it.

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字母的大小和间隔不对,大写字母的位置混乱,孩子的手、身体或者纸处于不正常的位置,这些都是写作困难的信号。Capital letters might be in the wrong places. The child's hand, body or paper might be in a strange position. These can all be signs of dysgraphia.

孩子的手,身体和纸可能放在了错误的位置。这些都是书写困难的表现。拼写错误也与乱序有关。The child's hand, body or paper might be in a strange position. These can all be signs of dysgraphia . Spelling problems can also be related to the disorder.

专家说老师和家长们如果发现孩子的书写很难阅读,就应该怀疑孩子是否有写作困难症。Experts say teachers and parents should suspect dysgraphia if a child's handwriting is unusually difficult to read. Letters might be sized or spaced incorrectly.