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谁在意拟声呢?Who cares about onomatopoeia?

他的无言好比月亮升起时声音。His muteness an onomatopoeia of the rising moon.

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属于或关于拟声的,或具有拟声特点的。Of or relating to or characterized by onomatopoeia.

小象声词是指模仿声音的声音。Primary onomatopoeia means the imitation of sound by sound.

你认为拟声词是形式和意义之间的非任意的联结吗?Some say that is the process of making the sound onomatopoeia.

日语和汉语的拟声拟态词都极为丰富。There are plenty of onomatopoeia in both Chinese and Japanese.

象声词是用语音模拟自然声音形成的词。Onomatopoeia comes from phonetic sounds which simulate those of nature.

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拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇的突出特征。Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of Japanese vocabulary.

通过漫画这一媒体,拟声词拟态词的特征得到了更好的发挥。By the media of comics, the characteristics of onomatopoeia have been better to play.

汉日拟声词整体上句法功能较强。Onomatopoeia words in Chinese and Japanese have rich syntactic functions on the whole.

象声词是一种语言现象是一种普遍的,也很重要。Onomatopoeia is a kind of language phenomenon which is universal as well as very important.

汉语和日语是其中较具代表性的有着丰富拟声词的语言。Chinese and Japanese are representative languages with abundant use of onomatopoeia among them.

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你认为拟声词是形式和意义之间的非任意的联结吗?Do you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary relationship between form and meaning?

因此探讨双语在翻译技巧上的处理就显得尤为重要。As a result it is of great importance to explore the translations skills of onomatopoeia in both languages.

在汉语的词类问题研究中,引起争论最多的是词类划分问题,象声词即是其中的一类。Dividing word class leads to much dispute in the Chinese word study the onomatopoeia is one of kind of the word class.

拟声词是以特定的韵律结构直接摹画现实世界的声音,能使语言更加形象、生动。Onomatopoeia can intimate the sound of the real world directly in a special prosody. It can make the language more vivid.

英语的音韵之美集中体现在元音、重音、押韵、拟声四个方面。This article analyzes the phonological beauty of English from four aspects, which are vowels, stress, rhyme, onomatopoeia.

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并非如此,拟声至多提示了它们所要表达的自然声响,而它们作为能指是任意的。Not really. Onomatopoeia is at most suggestive of the natural sounds they try to capture. They are arbitrary as signifiers.

拟声,不仅作为一种修辞手段,而且作为一种指称手段在事物命名及语义转换过程中起着重要作用。Not only as a rhetorical device, but as a referential device onomatopoeia plays an important role in naming and sense transfer.

拟声词的区别是相对简单的动物和模糊,英文版本是更生动、具体。Different from the Chinese animal onomatopoeia which is rather simple and vague, the English version is more vivid and specific.