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神是源头与创始者。God is the Source & Initiator.

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你必须是一名善于自我激励的人。You have to be a self-motivated initiator.

您确定要删除这个创始者群组吗?Do you really want to delete this initiator group?

我是几个法人标准的发起者。I am an initiator of several corporative standards.

过氧化苯甲酰是有机引发剂的一个例子。Benzoyl peroxide is an instance of an organic initiator.

在这之后,目标将状态发送给启动程序。After that, the target sends the status to the initiator.

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至于太阳,这的确是支满场跑的球队,不过我可以充当这种跑轰的发起人。The Suns run a lot but I can be the initiator of the run.

谁最有可能是价格形成的始作俑者?Who is most probably the initiator of the pricing formula?

博士,旅日画家,快乐公社创始人。Doctor, sojourner artist in Japan, Initiator of merry commune.

塔方是上海合作组织禁毒合作的牵头方。Tajikistan is the initiator of SCO narcotics control cooperation.

博士,旅日画家,快乐公社创始人。Doctor, sojourner artist in Japan, Initiator of hedonism community.

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我相信团购组织者/团长/主购是关心消费者的。I believe the initiator of group buying concerns consumers interest.

显然,付款用例中的客户是启动器角色。Obviously, the customer in the Make Payment use case was an initiator.

郭沫若是现代教育思想的提倡者和成功的践行者。Guo Moruo is the modem education thought initiator and the success practice.

令牌始终包含在接收方的消息中,而从不包含在发起方的消息中。Token is always included in messages to the recipient and never to the initiator.

马龙扫掉地上的垃圾,发现了刘东脚下的引爆器。Found liudong Malone sweep away rubbish on the ground, at the foot of the initiator.

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如果你是接收方,请联系发件方并要求他们再次传真文件。If you are receiving , contact the initiator and ask them to send the document again.

在上下文发起者和上下文接受者之间建立安全上下文。Establishes a security context between the context initiator and the context acceptor.

研究了活性组分及少量的引气剂对水泥性能的影响。The effect of activity components and initiator on cement property has been discussed.