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某专家对明星造型的评价An expert rates the scruff of the stars.

抓住某人的胳臂、掐住某人的脖子等。Catch sb by the ARM, throat, scruff of the neck, etc.

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肉丸子,大的用五花、小的用颈背。Meatballs, big with streaky, small by the scruff of the neck.

唯一的声响便是他们的脚叩在石阶上的声音。The only sound was the soft scruff of their feet upon the steps.

而用猪肉做炸、汆等的小丸子的时候,就最好用颈背肉。And made of pork fried, boil, my time, you'd by the scruff of the neck meat.

扶着椅子的扶手,我摇了摇曼弗雷德的颈背。Reaching over the arm of my chair I shake Manfred by the scruff of his neck.

我抓住那小男孩的颈背,把他撵出了教室。I grabbed the little boy by the scruff of the neck and bundled him out of the classroom.

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突然,一只体型更大的狗跑了进来,一把抓住小狗的脖子就把它拽出去了。Suddenly a bigger dog runs in, grabs the small dog by the scruff of the neck, and drags him out.

如果政府不能完全控制国营企业,那么国企也将难有作为。If the government does not take the SOEs by the scruff of the neck, it will be able to do little else.

我们有能改变比赛的球员,不管是普通情况还是逆境中。We have players who can grab a game by the scruff of the neck, from normal play or dead-ball situations.

我崇拜他,他把刚刚因为拼抢撞倒在地的对手友好的拉起来。I adore the way that he picks up the opposing player that he has just clattered into by the scruff of the neck.

硬木地板清洁擦伤使用地板清洁用软布痕浅黄色的解决方案出来的浮渣。Clean scuff marks on hardwood floors by using a floor cleaning solution with a soft cloth to buff the scruff out.

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有时候灰熊叼住猫猫的颈背,要把它举起来,可却叼住了猫猫的整个脑袋。And sometimes when Griz tries to pick up Cat by the scruff of the cat's neck, he winds up grabbing Cat's whole head.

在理论分析和研究的基础上,作者设计了一套适合该钢厂沉碴池清碴的气举装置。Thirdly, the author designed an airlift equipment for lifting the scruff on the base of theory analysis and research.

他抓住巴克脖子上的松皮,不顾他威胁似的咆哮,把他拽到一边,换上索勒克斯。He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly, dragged him to one side and replaced Sol- leks.

以前我们有一只小小的约克夏,他可能有一点点害怕,但是当我拎起他的颈背时,他挂在那里就像一团柔软的抹布。When we had a small Yorkie he could be a little terror but when I picked him up by the scruff he just hung there like a limp rag.

庄警官大怒,顾不上眼前的男子衣着肮脏,一把抓住他胸口的衣襟,将男子揪了起来。Unable to take care of the filthy man in front of him, officer Zhuang became furious and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, yanking him up.

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每辆卡车上都站着三个倒霉蛋,被穿着制服的警察抓着颈背,身上挂着大大的一块牌子,上面写着“经济罪犯”。In the open part of each truck stood three hapless Chinese, each held by the scruff of the neck by a uniformed policeman and each wearing a large sign with the name "Economic Criminal.

现在很清楚希腊应该首先不允许通过这道门,门卫应该抓住该国其欠债的脖颈把它扔出去。And, now that it’s clear that Greece should never have been allowed through the door in the first place, the bouncers should grab the nation by the scruff of its indebted neck and toss it out.

你也许会想,这不就是一个,凭个人力量改变语言,的活生生的例子吗,它的确改变了语言的惯例“You say to yourself, "Ah ha! There is an example of somebody taking language by the scruff of the neck and changing it as an individual, exerting an individual will over against the conventional nature of language."