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我的这个“时候”就来自于摩苏尔。My moment came in Mosul.

摩苏尔是叛军暴力的最新温床。Mosul is the latest hotbed of insurgent violence.

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高呼着口号的示威者还聚集在摩苏尔和纳西里耶等其它城市。Chanting demonstrators massed in other cities, including Mosul and Nasiriya.

美国军方称他们死于发生在摩苏尔的一场自杀式汽车炸弹袭击当中。US military says they were killed in a suicide car bombing in the city of Mosul.

这是在哈德尔附近的墓地中挖出来的,阿德尔在摩苏尔西南约55英里。It had been recovered from a grave near Al Hadr, about 55 miles southwest of Mosul.

巴士拉、巴格达、杜胡克、摩苏尔和提克里特的病例数保持稳定不变。The numbers of cases are remaining stable in Basra, Baghdad, Dahuk, Mosul and Tikrit.

位于伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔的一个美军基地21日发生爆炸事件。An explosion rocked a US military base in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Tuesday.

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“目前,在摩苏尔有35000名军人和警察,”瑞德蒙德说。"Currently, there are some 35, 000 army and police in Mosul city alone, " Redmond said.

伊拉克的多重分裂在尼尼微与摩苏尔尤其明显–偶尔也很血腥。Iraq's multiple fault-lines are especially visible-and occasionally bloody-in Nineveh and Mosul.

卢特法拉是两年来在摩苏尔被枪手打死的第二名美联社电视摄像记者。Lutfalla is the second AP Television News cameraman to be killed in Mosul in the last two years.

周五一架爱奥瓦在莫苏尔附近坠毁,二名飞行员死亡。An OH-58 Kiowa Warrior reconnaissance helicopter crashed near Mosul on Friday, killing two pilots.

伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔发生在自杀式炸弹袭击中,五名美国士兵遇害身亡。Five American soldiers have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

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摩苏尔是伊拉克反政府武装和“基地”组织活动较为频繁的地区。Mosul is Iraq's anti-government forces and the "base" areas of organizational activity is more frequent.

美国和伊拉克官员表示,摩苏尔和巴格达的爆炸事件均呈现出基地组织的惯用手法。U.S. and Iraqi officials said the Mosul and Baghdad bombings bore the hallmarks of Sunni Islamist al Qaeda.

联合国难民事务高级专员罗瑞德蒙德声称和一周之前相比越来越多的流亡家庭开始返回摩苏尔。UNHCR Spokesman Ron Redmond says displaced families began returning to Mosul a little more than a week ago.

只有安哥拉国家石油公司愿意投标承包离摩苏尔暴力活动猖獗区域最近的两个油田。Only Sonangol, the Angolan owned company, was willing to bid on the two fields closest to the violence in Mosul.

流亡的基督徒纷纷去往距离摩苏尔40到50公里的汗姆达尼亚地区。A majority of the Christians who fled went to the al Hamdaniya area, which is about 40 or 50 kilometers from Mosul.

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上周,摩苏尔附近的持枪歹徒杀害了苏哈·阿贝德·阿拉,一位参选的来自多世俗联盟的素食主义者。Last week, gunmen near Mosul killed Suha Abed Allah, a veterinarian running as a member of a multisectarian alliance.

瑞恩在不到几星期就要放假回家的时候自愿接受了一个去摩苏尔的任务,然而却有去无回。Ryan was just weeks away from coming home when he volunteered for a mission to Mosul from which he would never return.

在伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔,什叶派有一个派别认为魔鬼并不邪恶,称他为孔雀天使。In Mosul in northern Iraq, there is a sect of Yezidis who hold that the Devil is not evil, and call him the Peacock Angel.