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它的不远处,就是带有优雅头箍的双鱼座星群。It isn't far from the graceful Circlet asterism in the constellation Pisces.

这几颗明星构成了被称为夏季大三角的巨大三星符号。These brilliant stars make up the huge asterism known as the Summer Triangle.

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这个三星符号是没有被官方确认的星座。An asterism is a star formation that is not an officially recognized constellation.

现代天文学家有时会把它误认为小熊星座。Modern stargazers sometimes mistake it for the asterism known as the Little Dipper.

这把茶壶是一个著名的星群——其星星的组成方式不构成星座。The Teapot is a particularly famous asterism – pattern of stars that is not a constellation.

冬季六边形还囊括了好几个星座,具有重要标志性意义的猎户座就在其中。The Winter Hexagon asterism engulfs several constellations including much of the iconic steppingstone Orion.

虽然秋天已经到了,人们还有几个月的时间来观看被称为“盛夏大三角”的三颗星星。Even as autumn is beginning, you have several more months to see the large asterism known as the Summer Triangle.

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北方天空最为人熟知的星群北斗七星是容易辨认的,虽然有些人可能看见的是“大犁”。The best known asterism in northern skies, The Big Dipper is easy to recognize, though some might see The Plough.

振作一下,虽然我们住的北半球上空的北十字并不那么出名,但北十字星群阵容却十分你可观。Take heart. We in the northern half of the globe have a less renowned, but a larger Northern Cross asterism our skies.

在希腊神话传说中,北斗七星的三星符号象征着大熊星座的后臀和尾巴。In Greek myth, the Big Dipper asterism represents the hindquarters and tail of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

在我们北半球,北斗七星是最著名的星群——一组不需验证的星群。In our northern hemisphere, the Big Dipper is probably the sky's best known asterism – a group of stars that is not a recognized constellation.

右侧是明亮的天津四,当北十字出现在地平线上时,正好位于银河系的盘面上。Farther right, headed by bright star Deneb, the Northern Cross asterism is embedded along the plane of the Milky Way as it peeks above the horizon.

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其中最有名的要数大熊座和北斗七星,几乎紧贴在图片中央附近悬崖边缘的右上方。Most noticeable are the stars of Ursa Major and the asterism known as the Big Dipper, almost resting upright along the cliff edge near picture center.

大熊星座有大的北斗七星的星群,天文学家们很熟悉它,因为它看起来确实很像一个勺子。This constellation, also called the Greater Bear, contains the Big Dipper asterism that's familiar to so many stargazers because it really does look like a dipper.

不管离多远不管多少年,化这祝福为蓝星点点,闪在晨曦闪在日幕闪在你生命中的每一天。No matter to far no matter how many years, turns this blessing into the blue asterism spot, dodges, in the dawn dodges in the date curtain dodges in your life each day.

基于这些模型,深入分析了星空环境下成像过程中背景离焦模糊,运动模糊和星芒这三种效果的形成原因并提出了针对性的模拟方法。Based on these models, physical principles behind imaging effects of defocused blur, motion blur and asterism were analyzed thoroughly, and methods to simulate these effects were proposed as well.