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绣花针是她的武器。His weapon is needle.

那简直就是一件凶器。It looked like a weapon.

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魅力是一种危险的武器。Charm is a dangerous weapon.

它既是甲胄又是武器。It is an armour and a weapon.

我可是带着一件上膛的武器。I’m carrying a loaded weapon.

海作为武器。The sea is a weapon deployed.

希望做过汽车站的朋友支招。Weapon bus friends want done.

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会谈话的舌头是一件优良的兵器。A good argot is a good weapon.

“萨尔玛特”导弹究竟是一种什么武器?What kind of weapon is Sarmat?

伶俐的口齿是一种锐利的武器。A good tongue is a good weapon.

一把餐刀都可能是个致人死命武器。A knife can be a deadly weapon.

但是现在我知道了,艺术也是一种武器。But now I know art is my weapon.

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这种武器早已过时。This kind of weapon is obsolete.

完成“喽啰的武器店”Completed 'Minions' Weapon Store'

漩涡武器现在作用于妖术。Maelstrom Weapon now affects Hex.

测试武器补充,谢帕兹骗子。Test weapon added, shepards crook.

温柔是女人特有的武器。Blandness is women's special weapon.

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固定武器包括一门23毫米机炮。Fixed weapon includes a 23mm cannon.

把敌人的武器给岗朵吧。Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy.

我好奇地细看着这武器。I surveyed the weapon inquisitively.