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使用南岛语系的人与黑潮的图。The picture of the Austronesian languages human and Kuroshio.

东帝汶的两种官方语言是葡萄牙语和德顿语,德顿语是澳斯特罗尼西亚的一种地方语。Timor Leste’s two official languages are Portuguese and Tetum, a local Austronesian language.

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澳斯特罗尼亚语系包括多达1000种语言,它们散布在南半球的三分之一以上的区域。The Austronesian Family comprises up to 1000 different languages scattered over one third of the Southern Hemisphere.

台湾南岛语民族历史上曾拥有较高纺织技术,但这种技术没有延续下来。The Taiwanese austronesian nationalities ever had advanced technology of weave, but unfortunately, this technology has not been succeeded.

在最初到达海南岛的移民当中,主要是来自广西省的黎族人,他们逐渐取代了原海岛上的土著居民。It was in this period that the Li people arrived from Guangxi Province and displaced the island's aboriginal Austronesian -speaking peoples.

民族考古学的新进展表明,台湾原住民和“南岛语族”及其文化主要起源于华南大陆。The recent development of archaeology shows that Taiwanese aborigines and Austronesian ethnical groups and their culture mainly originated from the South China.

许多学者在探讨南岛语民族的起源时,都认为这个民族群体与中国古代的越人有关系,还有人认为与越人和濮人都有关系。In exploring the origin of the Austronesian language-speaking peoples, many scholars opine that they have relations with both the Yue and the Pu groups in ancient China.

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菲律宾语用作基于塔加拉语的奥特罗尼西亚语的名称,从其它菲律宾语言中提取词素,并且做为菲律宾的官方语言。Used as the name for the austronesian language that is based on tagalog draws its lexicon from other philippine languages and is the official language of the philippines.

虽然如此,台东南岛文化节的举办确实也带给原住民社群有所助益,使得原住民文化内涵提升之现象。But Festival of Austronesian cultures in Taitung brought benefits for aborigine tribes indeed. It also had a phenomenon of promoting the culture intension of the aborigine.

大陆的黎语和仡央语保留着南岛语的十进位数词,这表明它们与南岛语在大陆曾有过密切的接触。Some Austronesians decimal numerals have been reserved in Li and Ge-Yang languages, which shows the close contact between Kam-Tai languages and Austronesian in the mainland.

源自于汉文化与南岛文化的交汇包容,历经苦难与梦想的淬鍊超越。TheTaiwan Spirit originates from the interaction and mutual influence of Han culture and Austronesian islands cultures. It was successfully forged through all of our hardships and dreams.