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因为你偶尔的多愁善感。Because of your occasional sentimentality.

这就是我说的多愁善感的一部分。That is part of what I mean by sentimentality.

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不管怎样,我们可没有时间来搞柔情那一套。In any case, we've scarely time for sentimentality.

这位体面的官员沉溺于多愁善感之中。Here is the pretty official groveling in sentimentality.

直到今天,这号悲天悯人地情调每每令我发指。Now this sort of sentimentality always makes me furious.

不过,她们擅长的是多愁善感。However, they do appear to rank higher in sentimentality.

这并非是说,对于滥情的盲目相信。This is not to say that the blind belief of sentimentality.

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她身体瀛弱,而且多愁善感。While she is much weak, she also grovels in sentimentality.

我相信人类,但我的信念绝非是滥施情感。I believe in human beings, but my faith is without sentimentality.

感情用事和夸夸其谈只能阻碍对真理的追求。Sentimentality and wind baggery can only inhibit pursing of truth.

多愁善感和感情用事妨碍了感觉的敏锐。Emotionalism and sentimentality prevent the sensitivity of feeling.

尽量坦率而直接的回答问题,避免掺杂过多情感。Answer them candidly and matter-of- factly, avoiding sentimentality.

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以色列人也没时间因为伯利恒而多愁善感。The Israelis have no time for sentimentality about Bethlehem either.

她批评这部影片如她所说的令人倒胃口的伤感情调。She criticized what she described as the film's cloying sentimentality.

虽然有时也有些大大咧咧,但是内心却有点多愁善感。Although sometimes some woman. she inside, but is a little sentimentality.

第五章主要论述感伤在艺术种的表现形式,第六章则是辅之以个案研究。As to the fifth chapter , it discusses the art manifestation ways of the sentimentality.

我真不知道是更厌恶你们德国人的野蛮兽性还是瞧不起你们的自作多情。I don't know whether I more loathe the brutality of you Germans or despise your sentimentality.

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理查德?谢里丹著名的18世纪喜剧,讽刺了。A famous 18th-century play by Richard Sheridan about gossip, hypocrisy, and false sentimentality.

感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。Sentimentality was the spiritual birthmark of the new literature of the May Fourth Movement Period.

对我来说,每一幅影像里都存在着触动人的东西,我所体会到的是一种感伤。For me the reality is that there is something very touching in each image. What I really felt was a sentimentality.