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阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?Are you an existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder?

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是否有当前持卡人数据处理的流程图?Is there a current cardholder data process flow diagram?

是否有无线网络连接到持卡人数据环境?Are any WLANs connected to your cardholder data environment?

领用牡丹卡对单位有什么利益呢?What benefits do the Peony Card have for corporate cardholder?

个人会员在丹凤朝阳妇产医院持卡消费,每次消费须登记姓名。Record your name if any consumption happened to the cardholder.

会员卡不得转让他人或供他人使用。The Membership Card is non-transferable and only cardholder can use it.

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此部份只供东亚银行信用卡主卡或附属卡持卡人填写。This section is to be completed by BEA principal or supplementary cardholder.

如有需要,请出示本证以兹識别。When requested, the cardholder must produce the card for identification purpose.

本人欲为附属卡客户申请自动增值服务。I wish to apply for Automatic Add Value Service for Supplementary Credit Cardholder.

此部份只供主卡持卡人指定之申请人填写。This section is to be completed by designated applicants of principal cardholder only.

并且,他们还必须清楚地载明持卡人协议,并且将协议在网上发布。And they will have to write their cardholder agreements clearly and publish them online.

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附属卡之卡面设计及种类将与主卡相同。Supplementary Card card face and card type will be same as that of Principal Cardholder.

客户亦会于14个工作天内收到信函通知换领结果。Cardholder will receive notification letter for Redemption result within 14 working days.

附属卡之申请将不适用于主卡申请人若其为本港认可全日制大专学生。Not applicable for the principal cardholder who is local tertiary institutes' full time student.

信用卡主卡客户及附属卡客户须同时签署本申请表。Both the Principal Cardholder and Supplementary Cardholder are required to sign this application form.

通过卡上刻印的字母和浮凸的数字可以识别持卡人和发卡银行。The cardholder and the issuing bank are identified both by lettering and by embossed numbers on the card.

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如果一位信用卡持卡人每月至少刷卡消费一次,瑞穗金融集团就会免除他使用部分自动提款机时的交易费。If a cardholder uses the credit card at least once a month, Mizuho waives the transaction fees at some ATMs.

只有在主卡续延后,副卡持有人才能续延副卡。Secondary card holders can renew their membership only when the primary cardholder has renewed its membership.

持卡人可以通过终端或其他读卡设备读取IC卡中的交易明细记录。A cardholder can read records of transaction details from an IC card through a terminal or any other card readers.