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一份圣代冰淇淋要多么钱?I'd like to have a sundae.

我要一个草莓圣代。I need a Strawberry Sundae.

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一杯圣代冰淇淋要多少钱?How much is an ice cream sundae?

一个冰淇淋圣代多少钱?What does an ice cream sundae cost?

柠檬派、巧克力圣代和布丁。Lemon pie, chocolate sundae and pudding.

你需要的是食物,而你想要的却是巧克力圣代。You need food, you want a chocolate sundae.

“一个冰激淋圣代多少钱?”他问道。"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

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与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.

与你珍视的人分享一份圣代。Sharing a sundae with your significant other.

柠檬派、巧克力圣代和软冻布丁。Lemon pie, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.

这个圣代冰淇淋顶部覆盖着巧克力和威化饼干。The sundae was topped with chocolate and a wafer.

他问她要一份冰淇淋圣代冰淇凌苏打专柜。He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae.

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只要加入冰激凌,你最喜欢的冰激凌圣代就大功告成了。Just add ice cream and your favorite ice-cream sundae toppings.

柠檬派,糖油煎饼,巧克力圣代和奶油布丁。Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.

你还没有吃完你的双层巧克力软糖香蕉船圣代呢!You haven't finished your double chocolate fudge banana split sundae yet!

世纪末的一个主要发明就是圣代冰淇淋。A major invention of the late nineteenth century was the ice cream sundae.

麦当劳的鱼香汉堡加上一个草莓圣代也很赞!A fish burger at McDonald's, with a strawberry sundae afterward, would also be great!

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那男孩不吃圣代只吃一份普通的雪糕,仅仅是为了给她小费。The boy took the simple icecream instead of a Sundae so he could leave a tip for him.

麦当劳的鱼香汉堡加上一个草莓圣代也很赞!A fish burger at McDonald's, with a strawberry sundae afterward, would also be great!

过去买一杯圣代冰淇淋花不了多少钱。一个男孩子走进了一家咖啡店,在一张桌子前坐了下来。Back when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a boy entered a coffee shop and sat at a table.