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爷爷唱起来啊!Sing it, grandpa.

他整天都在同爷爷一起钓鱼。He's his grandpa the.

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爷爷真是老当益壮。Grandpa is old but hale.

它传自于我爷爷。It came from my grandpa.

爷爷,我们都爱您。We all love you grandpa.

你要什么呀,老爷爷?What would you ah, grandpa?

爷爷和我都流下了眼泪。Grandpa and I wept together.

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我的外公外婆去世了。My grandpa and grandma died.

你先和爷爷一起歇着吧。You just relax with Grandpa.

我爷爷两年前归天了。My grandpa died two years in.

见宝爷爷哈哈大笑。See treasure grandpa laughed.

爷爷疼孙子。Grandpa dotes on his grandson.

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那个老人,我叫他老爷爷。The old man, I call him grandpa.

他们是我的爷爷和奶奶。They are my grandpa and grandma.

熊爷爷把他的咖杯弄掉了。Grandpa Bear drops his coffee cup.

爷爷有时喝淡茶。Grandpa sometimes drinks weak tea.

爷爷今天身体欠安。Grandpa is under the weather today.

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爷爷,我可以玩电脑游戏吗?Grandpa. Can I play computer games?

我可没有念让爷爷下去。I wasn't about to let Grandpa down.

但是爷爷走了,我们得继续生活呀。But grandpa left, we have to move on.