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在其位的,是那些缺乏投资常识的官僚。Bureaucrats with little investment nous are in charge.

代词on被用于表示“我们”时比nous常见得多。The pronoun on is used much more often to mean we than nous.

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大部分的访客都很佩服中国企业的技巧。Most visitors are impressed by Chinese firms’ technical nous.

我不认为工党已经失去全部信仰和精神。I don't see a party that has lost all its faith in progress, or its nous.

但是当高盛加入了风险管理的行列,它稳步积累了市场信息。But once it joined the risk-management game, Goldman steadily accumulated market nous.

阿那克萨戈拉继提出“种子”说后,又在其世界生成说中引入了“奴斯”。After posing the "seed" theory, Anaxagoras introduced "nous" in his world forming theory.

这种‘三角法’是脚踏实地的数据分析加上商业常识的配合。This ‘triangulation’ is the combination of hardheaded data analysis, coupled with business nous.

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部分是因为具超凡商业天赋的人往往具有与众不同的个性。This is partly because people with outsize commercial nous also tend to have outsize personalities.

在参议院竞选中,一个极为相似的共和党候选人也提出了同样的管理理念。The same managerial nous is claimed by a remarkably similar Republican candidate in the Senate race.

他曾力挺日本财政改革,比鸠山和小泽显示出了更多的财政头脑。He has shown more financial nous than Messrs Hatoyama and Ozawa in arguing for fiscal reform in Japan.

你可以把这叫做利物浦精神,你在他们那里总是可以得到丰富多彩的争论和充满建设性的回馈。Call it Scouse nous or whatever, but they will always be colourful debate and largely constructive feedback.

田仲济的杂文既体现了应有的新闻敏感,又蕴涵着强烈的历史理性精神。Tian Zhong-jis scribble is a typical case, it contains sharp news sensitivity and abundance historical nous.

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杰拉德的第二个进球则美妙地显示出了这一点,杰拉德接到了他分向右路的传球,从后卫身后包抄到位进球得分。Gerrard showed tremendous nous for his second goal as he followed his pass from the right and attacked the back post.

故事的某些内容已为人所熟知,但两位作者赋予了故事丰富的分析细节和政治掌故,给人留下了深刻印象。Parts of this story are familiar, but the authors bring to it an impressive wealth of analytical detail and political nous.

但是德国队在勒夫的带领下却杀入了欧锦赛的决赛。He may not be the most-respected coach at the Euros or renown for his tactical nous but he did lead Germany to the Euro 2008 final.

众所周知奥巴马是一个黑莓控,但显然他的技术理性并没有转移到白宫椭圆形办公室。We've known from some time now that Obama is a bit of a BlackBerry addict, but apparently his technological nous doesn't transfer to the Oval Office.

诺齐克的“自然状态”是意志自由的直觉假定、是人的自然权利、是一切社会规则的前提。The State of Nature to Nozick that it is the presupposition of nous intuition, the individual's natural rights, the premises of all society principles.

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文章根据有限理性方法及卡耐基模式的决策理论,研究探讨了空间环境模拟技术的决策管理模式。The decision-making mode of space environment simulation techniques is discussed according to limited nous method and decision-making theory of Carnegie.

真正的漏洞是左后卫,现在马修•弗拉米尼心甘情愿的踢上了这个位置,不过在防守时的位置感稍嫌不足。The real weakness remains at left-back where Mathieu Flamini has deputized willingly but without the defensive nous that comes with the touchline territory.

“迪塞诺”是意大利文艺复兴时期艺术理论中的一个核心概念,它强调绘画的理性精神,比现在通用的素描的概念更为宽泛一些。As the core conception of Italian Renaissance Art theories, disegno put emphasis on nous spirit and is more wider than the conception of drawing in common use.