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填写您的企业概况。Fill out your organisation profile.

乐施会,这是一个国际组织。Oxfam, yeah, international organisation.

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能胜任在交叉部门的协调工作。Ability to work in a matrixed organisation.

皮亚琴察是一个很有实力组织严密的球队。This is a side with quality and organisation.

在你的公司组织系统中是否存在这样的问题?Do you recognise these problems in your organisation?

在我们企业里,你最想要的职位是什么?What position would you most want in this organisation?

但是我认为这个组织正在处于这种情绪中。But I think that's the mood that the organisation is in.

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他的组织工作的方法值得称道。The method of his organisation work is worth commending.

我必须抓住现在的时间来实现我的计划。I must grasp my present time to actualise my organisation.

尽情拾遗是很有趣,但还亟需整理。It is great fun to dip into but in dire need of organisation.

这不仅仅是生态紊乱,更是白痴的组织。This isn't just ecological lunacy, it's idiotic organisation.

您企业的任何授权人员均可使用此页面。Any authorised person in your organisation can use this screen.

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仅仅广义地来说,这是一个机构。And it is an organisation only in the loosest sense of the term.

我们负责真个庄园的管理和组织工作。The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us.

我们是一个非赢利教育机构。预算是有限的。We are a non-profit educational organisation. Budget is limited.

我们的组织内有没有可以声援这个项目的人?Is there someone to champion the project within our organisation?

慈善机构可以用这些钱雇请需要工作的人。The organisation could then hire several people in need of a job.

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一个特别委员会审议该组织的活动。A special committee scrutinised the activities of the organisation.

好莱坞通常被视为虚拟组织的样板。Hollywood is often cited as a template for the virtual organisation.

海伦芬踢得非常快速简洁,非常有攻击性。Heerenveen play with organisation and speed, they are very offensive.