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检查分页。Check for pagination.

这方面的一个例子是搜索结果分页。An example of this is with pagination of search results.

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同时添加一个分页的功能,让用户可以五条五条地浏览,并在页面的顶部或底部添加页码。Add pagination so a user can read the feed 5 items at a time.

它将全文呈现在同一页面,而不显示页码链接。It presents the full text on one page, without the pagination links.

paginate属性决定是否需要分页。The paginate attribute determines whether or not pagination is required.

分页不支持在树层次结构中显示导航链接。Pagination does not support showing navigation links in a tree hierarchy.

在拼版后的书页加上顺序页码的情况。Pagination the numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.

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此外,分页不支持在树层次结构中显示导航链接。Again, pagination does not support showing navigation links in a tree hierarchy.

分页是由报表元素和分组的分页符属性来决定的。Pagination is determined by the page-break properties of report elements and groups.

如果日后发现需要分页,可以编写一些定制的助手。If you find that you need pagination later, you can always write some custom helpers.

对基于JSP的分页与页面保存技术进行了研究,并给出了相应的解决方案。This paper proposes a solution of pagination and page-saving technology based on JSP.

这意味着应该能够对屏幕上的结果进行分页和排序。This means it should be possible to do pagination and sorting of results on the screen.

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储存和载入装置特定控制项状态的方法,如重新编页资讯。Methods that save and load device-specific control state, such as pagination information.

另外,可以通过逐页抓取数据来实现基本的分页机制。In addition, you implement a basic pagination mechanism by fetching the data page by page.

这个标签为显示视图内容和搜索结果提供了分页控制。This tag provides pagination controls for displaying view contents as well as results from a search.

常见的两种通用操作是根据搜索参数执行查询和数据库级的分页。Two common operations that occur frequently are querying based on search parameters and database-level pagination.

这个应用程序说明了主从复合结构的数据对象视图,连同分页及分类的能力。This application illustrates the master-detail view of data objects along with pagination and sorting capabilities.

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在查看方式上,使用术语的第一个汉字的中文拼音首字母为索引,并分页显示,用户能够非常方便地找到所需术语名及对应的英、日文翻译。To look up glossary words, it is designed to use the first letter of glossary's spell and showed by pagination in the system.

有人可能注意到了,我们的版本上还有些小的标准页码,所以标准页码的话是在。Some of you may have just noticed there's a little standardized pagination in our edition as well, 79 so its academy paginations is Number 79.

研究分析了内存管理中的分页系统的优缺点,并提出了一个改进的双表针时钟算法。After investigating and analyzing the advantage and disadvantage of Pagination System, it provides a Two Clock Pointers Algorithm to improve the system.