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他真是诡计多端。He's real sly and crafty.

如果狡们多运动。If crafty multi-movements.

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中国人十分狡猾,我非常了解他们。The Chinese are very crafty.

他们是群老奸巨滑的政客。They are crafty politicians.

聪明的骗子不需要中介人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

狡猾的无赖不需要有中间人。A crafty knave needs no broker.

狡猾的无赖不需求有中间人。A crafty knave commors no broker.

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那猎物是阴险的,它有所提防。The prey was crafty and on its guard.

他是一个险诈的投机商。He was a sinister and crafty speculator.

他敬佩老者的神机妙算。He admired the old man for his crafty plan.

一天,一条狡猾的蛇溜进进了伊甸园里。A crafty and evil snakecame into the garden.

这丫头到底打得什么鬼主意?This wench exactly knocks what crafty fancy?

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请听詹森尝试向艾拉讲解如何变得心灵手巧。Hear Jason try to teach Ella about being crafty.

“我说得对吗?”她说,“我看见你耍滑头悄悄地喝了一大口!”"Was I right?"she said. "I saw you taking a crafty swig! "

他是位老奸巨猾的政客,你永远都不知道他会怎么样反应。He's a crafty politician. You never know how he will react.

他在一些非正式的场合一度称豪塞尔是“狡猾的狐狸”。He once called Hausser "crafty fox" in a very uncomplimentary way.

轻易发怒的、行事愚妄.设立诡计的、被人恨恶。A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated.

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卑怯而狡猾的懦夫则往往想要暗中施放的冷箭。Base and crafty cowards, are like the arrow that shoots in the dark.

他怀着病人所特有的那种阴郁的耐心等待着有利的时机。He awaited the propitious moment with the crafty patience of the sick.

邓普利顿是一只非常聪明的老鼠,对很多事情都有它自己的想法。Templeton was a crafty rat, and he had things pretty much his own way.