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我只是说着玩的。I spoke but in iest.

你和他讲了话吗?And you spoke to him?

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他嘀嘀咕咕轻声说话。He spoke in a mutter.

她边说边哭。She wept as she spoke.

高子,他竟然会说日语!Taka. He spoke Japanese!

他说话声小,但很清楚。He spoke low but clearly.

我跟拍卖会谈过。I spoke with the auction.

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他的脸上露出了微笑。His face spoke of a smile.

我总是和Natta交谈。So I always spoke to Natta.

在他讲话时两个人走了过来。As he spoke two men came up.

他讲话时带着鼻音。He spoke with a nasal twang.

他有话直说,不装相。He spoke without pretension.

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周一,马林斯接受了CNN采访。Mullins spoke to CNN Monday.

星对人说过一次。The stars spoke once to man.

少数人模糊地谈起了关于谋杀。A few spoke darkly of murder.

天主于是吩咐诺厄说。And God spoke to Noe, saying.

他用手臂向我们发出信号。He spoke to us with his arms.

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他们都就民间音乐讲了话。They all spoke on folk music.

我从没谈过自己的未来。I never spoke about my future.

我记得,您是跟我讲的。I remember, you spoke with me.