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喷泉和火山均能喷发。Geysers and volcanoes erupt.

火山和间歇喷泉均能喷发。Volcanoes and geysers erupt.

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紧张情形有时会引发暴力.Ten-sions sometimes erupt in violence.

从间歇泉中喷出蒸汽和热水。Steam and hot water erupt from geysers.

其中一些可能会在下一年爆发。Look for some of them to erupt next year.

但神秘之处在于,危机的爆发如此罕见。The mystery is that crises erupt so rarely.

患者通过噩梦来发泄过剩的精力。Troubled dreams erupt with excessive energy.

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爆发许多屠杀案而又没有人承担责任。Massacres erupt without anyone being held accountable.

我以前就知道如果他滑得很好,观众肯定会很疯狂。I knew if he skated well that the audience would erupt.

超级火山有没有可能爆炸,并引发下个冰河时期?Could a super-volcano erupt and bring on the next ice age?

原则上说,火山随时都会爆发,不分昼夜。In principle a volcano can erupt at any time, day and night.

综合分析认为,滹沱群玄武岩可能形成于板内裂谷环境。The basalts of the Hutuo group might erupt in rift environment.

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似乎海平面上升会引起更多的火山大爆发。More volcanoes seem to erupt explosively with rising sea levels.

许多山峰正冒出蒸汽并随时像华盛顿州的圣。海伦斯火山那样爆发。Many peaks are steaming and could erupt like Washington's Mount St.

这样的自我调侃让在现场的人不时爆发出阵阵大笑。Such ego speaks let often erupt in the person of the spot blast a yock.

在20年的休眠后,这座火山又再一次肆虐。After a 20-year period of dormancy, the volcanobegan to erupt once more.

马来西亚人的怨声载道,会像印度尼西亚喀拉喀托火山般最终爆发吗?Will the Krakatau of the Malaysian rumbling and grumbling finally erupt?

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小孩子在牙齿萌出后应该做牙沟封闭。Children should get sealants soon after their teeth erupt into the mouth.

韩国财阀是导致金融危机爆发的根本原因。Korea plutocrat is the prime cause that causes financial crisis to erupt.

根须从你目标的身体中爆出,迅速并且牢牢地抓住他们。Tendrils erupt from your target's body, entwining it and holding it fast.