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你可能会死的。You might die.

等猪能飞上天吧。Pigs might fly.

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也许你会失败。You might fail.

你会滑倒的!You might slip!

他也许生病了吧。He might be ill.

我可以进来吗?Might I come in?

或许他说得对。He might be right.

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但也许应该有。But there might be.

这样也许的确蛮好。That might be good.

但愿我能碰一碰他!If I might touch him!

这可能并不容易。It might not be easy.

记忆体有可能满了。Memory might be full.

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我可以用你的笔吗?Might I use your pen?

她甚至可能会养一只宠物鸟。She might a pet bird.

您可能会感到倦乏。You might feel tired.

可能会很冷。It might be very cold.

它会使您感到惊奇。It might surprise you.

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她或许不会早产。She might not have it.

这都有可能发生。That all might happen.

您可能会停止提问。You might stop asking.