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红本女采用的是正向炒作,兰董采用的是反向炒作。Red this female those who use is to hype, what Lan Dong uses is retrorse hype.

步行、慢跑、反序运动是简单易行且较有实效的有氧运动。Foot, jogging, retrorse movement are the simple, effective movements with oxygen.

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红字冲帐和蓝字反向冲帐是一个意思。Rubric strike a balance and blue word are retrorse strike a balance is a meaning.

柄尾微向下弯,也可能是宋刀。宋长柄刀有此形制。The end of hilt is retrorse , maybe a Song Dao. Song long-hilt Dao has such style.

也正是在这种微妙的互补关系下,电视与互联网正慢慢地反向融合。Also be just about below this kind of delicate complementary concern, TV and Internet slowly retrorse confluence.

一年生草本茎外倾或直立,30-90厘米高,分枝,具棱,具稀的反折的皮刺沿着棱。Herbs annual. Stems decumbent or erect, 30-90 cm tall, branched, angulate , with sparse retrorse prickles along angles.

如果你想获得比较高的PR值,一定要拥有一定数量的高质量的反向链接,或者足够量大的反向链接。If you want to obtain higher PR cost, must have the retrorse link of a certain quantity of high quality, enough perhaps generous is linked reversely.

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铁路多经企业与反向物流在功能上具有交叉性,都涉及到运输、搬运装卸、仓储等。Railroad flows on the function to have alternate sex via enterprise and retrorse content more, involve carry, carry assemble and unassemble, storage.

有消息称腾讯加大了内部激励的措施,并且针对盛大发起了反向猎头的行动,但细节不详。The message says Tecent increased the measure of inner drive, and be aimed at started the operation of retrorse hunt head grandly, but detail is unspecified.

单从QQ居的友情链接来看,它的大部分友情链接站点PR值都在3以上,是非常优良的反向链接。In light of the friendship link that sheet resides from QQ, PR of its site of major friendship link is worth 3 above of Zai, it is very admirable retrorse link.

为了缓和焦虑,人可以用压抑、投射、反向作用、固定作用、倒退等心理防御机制自我调整。For alleviation angst, the person can use depressive, projectile, retrorse action, fixed action, retrogression to wait for ego of psychological defense mechanism to adjust.

上面提到反向链接的概念,现在我就从增加反向链接的方法来谈谈作为一个程序员应该怎么为增加反向链接做一些SEO工作。The idea of retrorse link is mentioned above, I talk how to should be linked reversely to increase as a programmer now from the method that adds retrorse link do work of a few SEO.