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谢谢你。“Thank you, ” Yancey said.

燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。Bible passage came to Yancey.

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燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。A Bible passage came to Yancey.

“谢谢你。”燕西说,“你是我的兄弟。”“Thank you,” Yancey said. “You’re my brother.”

扬西肯来教堂,这简直是圣诞前夕的奇迹。That Yancey was even in church was a Christmas Eve miracle.

扬西已经在器官捐献名单上等待了两年。Yancey had been on the organ donation waiting list for two years.

尽管扬西更乐意呆在家里,他还是接受了妻子的建议。Yancey felt more like spending the evening at home but gave in to his wife.

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在圣诞节前的一个星期天,燕西在教会礼拜仪式上看到了彼得森。On the Sunday before Christmas, Yancey sought out Peterson at church services.

于是他拿起他的手机拨通了扬西给他的电话号码。Then he picked up his cell phone and punched in the number Yancey had given him.

那个他们眼里苍白憔悴的燕西有着红润的面色,脸上正带着微笑。The Yancey they knew as pale and generally grim now had rosy cheeks and a smile on his face.

最后扬西掏出他的钱包拿出了一张名片,随后递给了皮特森。Finally Yancey pulled out his wallet and fished out a business card. He handed it to Peterson.

皮特森唯一能够肯定的便是扬西是基督兄弟、他小组的一员。What Peterson did know was that Yancey was a brother in Christ and a member of his small group.

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“如果你想知道更多关于移植的,”扬西继续讲到,“这里面的人应该可以帮到你。”“If you want to know more about transplants,” Yancey said, “these people can tell you everything.”

第二天,彼得森觉得自己身体够好了,他向他的妻子要一个轮椅,想让她带他去燕西家。The next day, Peterson felt well enough to ask his wife to get a wheelchair and take him to Yancey.

医生建议扬西可以自己去寻找合适的肾源,但他似乎没有这方面的运气。Doctors had told Yancey he was free to find a living donor on his own, but he'd had no luck in that search.

几个星期以来,燕西一直都在为这个让他重生的朋友寻找一个合适的礼物。For weeks Yancey had been searching for an appropriate gift for this friend who had given him a second chance at life.

杨飞立在美国被公认为最有影响力的基督徒作家,他其中五本著作的销量曾已超越一百万本。Philip Yancey is one of the most popular award-winning Christian authors today. Five of his books have sold over a million copies each.

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可是扬西说那些捐献者在基因上是必须符合,而且不能牵涉到金钱交易,贩卖人体器官是违法的。He listened carefully as Yancey explained that the living donor had to be a genetic match. And that no money could change hands, that it is illegal to sell body parts.