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汤姆喜欢卷心菜吗?Does Tom like cabbage?

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我讨厌吃卷心菜。I hate eating cabbage.

来点洋白菜如何?How about some cabbage?

让我吃些卷心菜。Let me eat some cabbage.

白菜早就咕嘟烂了。The cabbage is overcooked.

你们自已种卷心菜吗?Do you grow cabbage yourself?

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哦.是你做的卷心菜吗?Oh, did you make the cabbage?

我们的BBQ需要一些包心菜。We need some cabbage for BBQ.

卷心菜色拉是卷心菜做的。Coleslaw is made with cabbage.

他根本不喜欢洋白菜。He doesn't like cabbage at all.

洋白菜和土豆怎么样?How about cabbage and potatoes?

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我们也可以泡制红甘蓝。We can also pickle red cabbage.

她已经有卷心菜或豆角了吗?。Has she had any cabbage or beans?

在德国它指的是“酸卷心菜”。It means "sour cabbage" in German.

有时她使用腐烂的高丽菜。Sometimes she uses rotten cabbage.

我喜欢用洋白菜做菜。I like to cook dishes with cabbage.

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白菜萝卜汤,益寿保健康。Turnip cabbage soup, Yishou health.

哎,噩耗传来,好白菜都让猪拱了。All cabbage had been twiddled by pig.

将卷心菜切成又细又长的丝。Cut the cabbage into fine long shreds.