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他再次开始默记古兰经。He started memorizing the Quran again.

移动朗诵者是一个移动电话古兰经吟诵。MobileReciter is a Quran Reciter for mobile phones.

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尼加斯让贾法尔诵读一段古兰经文。Negus asked Jafar to read him a passage of the Quran.

虽然出生巴哈,他利用工作作为古兰经朗诵家。Although born Bahai, he used to work as a reciter of the Quran.

一伙暴徒三月份在指责27岁的Farkhunda焚烧古兰经后打死了她。A mob killed 27-year-old Farkhunda in March after accusing her of burning a Quran.

琼斯后来还是烧毁了可兰经而且把过程登录在其教会网站。Jones eventually did burn the Quran March 20 and posted video on his church’s website.

一名男子声称北约战机轰炸了一座清真寺,并展示了一部可兰经上的玻璃碎片。One man claimed NATO warplanes bombed a mosque, showing shards of glass on top of a Quran.

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琼斯先生将在周六的晚上6点到9点在一堆篝火中烧毁可兰经复本。Mr. Jones plans to burn the Quran copies in a bonfire Saturday evening between 6 and 9 p.m.

沙里亚是伊斯兰律法,即古兰经和先知的圣训。The Shariah is the law of Islam as given in the Quran and the example of the Prophet himself.

他的父亲在他矮矮的坟前诵读着古兰经,坟前有一个石头的墓碑,上面刻着,“神助我们”。His father read the Quran over the tiny grave marked only by rocks, reciting, "On God we depend."

一尊夺目的雕塑“金色的古兰经漩涡”被放置在广场中心隐蔽的声腔之上,向周围散发着无尽的光芒。The acoustic chamber is crowned by a Golden Quran Spiral radiating natural light above the ground.

此外,先知穆罕默德与加百列天使每年校阅古兰经一次,并在其生命的最后一年校阅两次。Muhammad reviewed the Quran with the Angel Gabriel once each year AND twice in the last year of his life.

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人们经常看到工资低廉的保卫人员打瞌睡或诵读可兰经,或者非常无聊,不能集中精力。Poorly-paid guards are often seen snoozing or reading from the Quran or simply too bored to pay attention.

射击者离开后,一名伊拉克警察发现这本被射得千疮百孔的古兰经。After the shooters left, an Iraqi policeman found a target marked in the middle of the bullet-riddled Quran.

当局声称一所宗教学校内正在学习可兰经的10名学生被倒塌的房屋压死。Authorities said 10 of the dead were students learning about the Quran at a religious school that collapsed.

在古兰经和圣训没有明确指示时,他们会尝试圣门第子的实践。In case of no clear indication in the Quran and Hadith, they would try the practice of the Companions of the Prophet.

古兰经娓娓动人地提到,那些基督教僧侣说他们在这里看到上帝的真实之后眼角洋溢泪花。The Quran speaks affectionately of Christian monks, saying their eyes brim with tears at the recognition of God's truth.

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一个美国教会计划在9/11恐怖袭击周年纪念日焚烧可兰经,引起全球同声谴责。A U.S. church's plan to burn a copy of the Quran on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks has drawn global condemnation.

此外,先知穆罕默德与加百列天使每年校阅古兰经一次,并在其生命的最后一年校阅两次。Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad reviewed the Quran with the Angel Gabriel once each year and twice in the last year of his life.

多么美好的一个月!我喜欢听麦加古兰经。祈祷在全球的所有清真寺平安。What a Wonderful Month! I like To listen to Holy Quran from Makkah. and the prayers of Traweeh in every Mosques around the Globe.