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这项声明对大多数人来说是可解释的。The statement is interpretable to most people.

法律是可以被解释的故事。The law is therefore a story that is interpretable.

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基于这些概念的模糊系统具有可理解性。Base on these concepts, the fuzzy systems are interpretable.

偶尔,但不经常,新创建的变量被识别的。Occasionally, but not often, the newly created variables are interpretable.

所以,这种多种解释、以你自己方式组合的涂鸦只不过是一种新的好玩的游戏。This multi- interpretable have-it-your-way graffiti however is the new kind of cool game.

行业标准和行业标准协议解码判读和向公众开放。Industry standard codec and industry standard protocols are open and interpretable to the public.

它是一个非平凡的模式辨识过程,它从大量的数据中寻求正确的、新颖的、具有内在价值的、和最终可解释的模式。The goal of data mining is to find the correct, novel, valuable and interpretable pattern from the mass data.

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个人赞同诗不可译这一观点,充其量也只能是解释吧。I personally incline to approve of the idea that poetry is not translatable, but rather interpretable at most.

表征携带信息,因为表征其实在“说话”,或者说,我们把表征理解为“在说话”。Representations carry information in the sense that they 'say' something, or are interpretable as 'saying' something.

语言模型具有很好的可理解性特征,但在多数情况下,其精确性是难满足要求的。Linguistic model behaves an Interpretable characteristic , but in many case, it is not accurate to a sufficient degree.

通过对遥感图像的边缘提取,可以为图像解译提供大小、形态等解译要素,并为后期分割及识别处理创造基础。Through edge detection of remote sensing, we could provide size and shape interpretable factors, and prepare for recognition.

如果与神有交通就是生命,那么,反过来说,与神隔离就是死亡。If life consisted in communion with God, then, on the principle of opposites, death may have been interpretable as separation from God.

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结果表明排序是分析植被与环境关系的有效途径。DCA performed satisfactorily in description of vegetation-environment interactions in this study, and its results wore understandable and interpretable.

第三章在研究有限输入神经网络树的基础上,提出了基于遗传算法的多目标优化方法设计更容易解释和理解的神经网络树。Proposing a GA based multiple objective optimization for designing interpretable and comprehensible NNTree with reference to achievement of the limited input NNTree.

为避免解释走向相对主义,有论者提出将读者的本意设为一种“元原则”来衡量解释的有效性。In order to avoid relativism, some discussers suggest that the author's intention is an original principle and using this original principle to check interpretable validity.

这样您就可以以一种您可以读取的可控制的方式来定义这些关系,但是软件工具仍然可以对此进行判断,从而产生有效的以及决议的拓扑。This allows you to define the relationships in a controlled fashion that you can read, but that is also interpretable by software tools to produce validated and resolved topologies.

此时期学者们从文字产生、相关概念的运用、研究的思路和研究的方法上认识和把握字词关系,体现出传统语言学向现代语言学迈进时的特色。Since modern Chinese can be traced back to the same origin as ancient Chinese and be interpretable to it, modern language teaching should be carried out in association with traditional linguistics.

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该算法保留了PLS能有效地提取对系统解释性最强的信息的优点,并通过样本权值提高模型的泛化能力,从而实现SRM准则,所建立的模型具有可解释性。WPLS not only takes the advantage of PLS to extract most explanatory variables, but also improves generalization property through the weight of samples and SRM is achieved with interpretable model.

该算法保留了PLS能有效地提取对系统解释性最强的信息的优点,并通过样本权值提高模型的泛化能力,从而实现SRM准则,所建立的模型具有可解释性。WPLS not only takes the advantage of PLS to extract most explanatory variables, but also improves generalization property through the weight of samples arid SRM is achieved with interpretable model.

本文针对模糊建模过程中,系统的可解释性得不到保证的问题,提出一种基于模糊聚类的可解释性建模方法。Research on the interpretability has not got enough attention. This paper proposes a method of interpretable modeling based on fuzzy clustering in order to improve the interpretability of fuzzy model.