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怎么会这样的呢How does that happen?

你现在就是一坨屎!Make shit happen now!

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这两种情况我都见过I've seen both happen.

这都有可能发生。That all might happen.

享受过程是最重要的,只不过我恰巧是13岁而已。I just happen to be 13.

这种情况本不应该发生。This should not happen.

接下来会发生什么?What might happen next?

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接下来会发生什么?What would happen next?

会有好事儿发生的。Good things happen to you.

小斑马,怎么了?Little zebra, what happen?

现在,将来还会发生的。Now. It will happen again.

这究竟是如何发生的呢?How could this ever happen?

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它会发生左右2034年。It will happen around 2034.

这一切到底是如何发生的呢?So how did this all happen?

怎么会发生这种事?Well how would that happen?

这是怎么回事呢Well, how does that happen?

产业链上游能够产生巨大的利润。Big profits happen upstream.

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但这样的事可能发生。But these things can happen.

明明知道彼此都不想要变这样的…Don't even know what happen.

这些转变是如何发生的?How does this change happen?