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特纳用隐喻的词汇谈到它。Turner spoke of it in metaphorical terms.

这部作品沉溺于隐喻性的语言中。The write indulged in metaphorical language.

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对,就是这个意思我可能,比方说,就是一只袜子。Yeah that's right. I might be a metaphorical sock.

这不只是喻意式的。This is not just figurative, metaphorical statements.

名词性隐喻是使用频率最大的一种隐喻。Noun Metaphor covers a large proportion of the metaphorical use.

帕罗特把这条生机勃勃的小道比做是引人遐想的情侣路。Perrot likened the vibrant path to a dreamy, metaphorical lover's lane.

隐喻和转喻意义扩展各有其特点。Metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective features.

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告诉我们一个街道、公路或乡间小道的故事,无论是真实的、想象的。Tell us the story of a street, path, road—real or imagined or metaphorical.

其中复合法和转化法的构词方式是以认知的隐喻和转喻为基础的。The form of color words has a metonymic and metaphorical basis in cognition.

神话故事增加了大量的细节描述和一个寓意。Mythology adds a richness of detail and a concreteness to metaphorical language.

弗罗斯特喜欢动作的声音,他喜欢巧妙地用这个打个比方。Frost loves verbal sounds and he loves to play with their metaphorical associations.

探讨隐喻性夸饰技法平面广告的相关情形。Explore the metaphorical techniques liquidates the related case of print advertisement.

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诗歌是一种独特的语言形式,充满了隐喻,因而它被称为“隐喻性语言”。Poem is a unique linguistic form with metaphor, so it is called "metaphorical language".

这个表面上身材的差距不可避免的也会降低他心理上的地位。This literal diminution of his stature inevitably reduces his metaphorical stature, too.

此外,隐喻和转喻意义扩展还各有其映射模式。Moreover, metaphorical and metonymic sense extensions have their respective mapping models.

他们是如此规约,发言可能不会意识到自己正在隐喻。They are so conventionalized that speakers may not be conscious of their being metaphorical.

事实上,布恩屠熊之举有着深刻的隐喻性。In fact, the description on how Boon killed the bear implies a profound metaphorical meaning.

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第四章分析了“左-右”的意象图式及其概念隐喻意义。Chapter Five is on the analysis of the features of metaphorical conceptual meanings on ZUO-YOU.

发现隐喻性夸饰技法运用于平面广告的设计原则。Found liquidates metaphorical techniques applied to the design principles of print advertisement.

这些物理学概念的应用可以在科学上很严谨,也可以是完全的比喻义。These physics concepts will be used in ways both scientifically rigorous and purely metaphorical.