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罗杰就是我。Roger being me.

被尊敬。Being respected.

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我在说废话吗?Am I being a wimp?

有人在设法贿赂他。He's being got at.

我是说正经的。I'm being serious.

变成一个爱抱怨的人。Being a complainer.

那是人的天性。That's human being.

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我是否太贪心了?Was I being greedy?

你真是小心眼儿!You're being Petty!

做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。being Harry Potter.

他是在说客气话。He was being polite.

我正在接受教育。I am being educated.

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或者以圆为例Or take being round.

怕被认为无礼。Afraid of being rude.

我只是照实说而已。Just being practical.

人是能辨是非的动物。Man is a moral being.

你在装糊涂。You are being stupid.

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他们被愚弄了?Are they being fooled?

他这样说不太谦虚。He's not being modest.

我讨厌有人失约。I hate being stood up.