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你咋浪费呢?Why are you wasteful?

多浪费和可耻啊。So wasteful and contemptible.

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因此,好管家是不贪婪的。A good steward is not wasteful.

您觉得最浪费的是什么?What do you find most wasteful?

让我们停止这种有损无益的竞争吧。Let's end the wasteful competition.

资本被错置,进入并不经济的领域。Capital is misallocated into wasteful areas.

如果我们从中文上转换一下,“天天用牛奶洗脸是浪费的。”跟上句话意思是一样的。“浪费的”这个单词wasteful高中生是非常熟悉的。Washing face with milk everyday is wasteful.

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不过你俩都十分奢侈浪费。You can both be quite extravagant and wasteful.

谁在和浪费的拨款项目花销作斗争?Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?

硅的生产是绝对不会亏本的!The silicon production is absolutely non wasteful.

玻璃表面的摩天大楼特别地浪费。Glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful.

然而,房租管制鼓励了居住面积使用上的浪费。Rent control, however, encourages wasteful use of space.

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改变你的用水方式为时未晚It's not too late to change your wasteful ways with water

传统的发电方式有着固有的浪费性。Traditional electricity generation is inherently wasteful.

我芜秽之本日,恰是昨日失败者诉求之嫡。My wasteful today is the tomorrow those losers begging for.

这样与积压联合起来就显得十分庞大,也很浪费时间。This, combined with backlogs that are too big, is wasteful.

唯一让我觉得比浪费的人更可恶的就是乱丢垃圾的人。Thee only thing I hate more than wasteful people are litterbugs.

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然而,捕虾业也是世界上浪费最严重的渔业部门之一。But the sector is also one of the world's most wasteful fisheries.

但对于这块“肥肉”,各家银行又总觉得弃之可惜。But for this "fat meat", the banks also feel that would be wasteful.

这孩子太爱乱花钱,这月要节减他的零花钱。The child is wasteful with money, so I am going to cut his allowance.