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彗星上的人造陨坑。Man-Made Crater on Comet.

杯口,碟边,火山口。The lip of a cup, saucer, crater.

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园坑池,中途,犹他州。Homestead Crater Pool, Midway, Utah.

恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口是非洲精粹。The crater is the essence of Africa.

偶尔,流星在表面弹出了坑。Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

喷气口和跟岩浆口是不一样的。An eruptive vent is different from a crater.

熔岩从火山口喷出。Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.

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如果你继续往前走就会看到第二个火山口。If you go further, you’ll see the second crater.

福波斯卫星表面最大的陨石坑称为“斯蒂克尼”。The biggest crater on Phobos is called Stickney.

他们还报告说,火山湖是稳定的。They also report that the crater lake is stable.

土卫一上这个巨型环形山为什么有这么古怪的颜色?Why is this giant crater on Mimas oddly colored?

火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano.

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爆炸导致路面产生一个约5英尺深的大坑。The explosion left a 5ft deep crater in the road.

一个矿工的小屋只是卡瓦Ijen内的火山口。A miner's hut just inside the crater of Kawah Ijen.

火山口湖不与任何江河相连接。Crater Lake is not connected to any rivers or streams.

插图中,右边是大一些的皮塔图斯环形山。In the inset, the larger crater Pitatus is at the right.

首先,一枚空火箭壳体撞入卡比欧斯陨石坑。First, an empty rocket hull slammed into the Cabeus crater.

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阿汗先生预计撞击将会产生一个如足球场大小的撞击亢口。A'hearn expects a crater about the size of a football field.

上面的图像是这个火山口用计算机生成的引力图。The image is a computer-generated gravity map of the crater.

火山湖国家公园是唯一的国家公园在俄勒冈州。Crater Lake National Park is the only National Park in Oregon.