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这里有一个纲要。Here's a rundown.

房子看起来相当破旧。The house looked fairly rundown.

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下面是一些常见的咖啡添加剂的纲要Here's the rundown for a few common coffee additions

以下是最有名的“低薪”高管的扼要。Here’s a rundown of the most notable salary-less executives

城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street.

美国铁路交通破落是一件我想忘也忘不了的事。The rundown rail services of America are something I try, vainly, to forget.

这个PDF文档简要的描述了图形设计史纲要。This informative PDF offers a brief rundown of the history of graphic design

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下面是该项目的纲要以及它们目前的状态。Here is a rundown of the projects and their current status. First, the players

嘿,等等,我已经把这里混熟了,要不要我带你转转。Hey, wait up, I've already got the whole place wired, so I'll give you the rundown.

库存量的快速削减和信贷市场上的临时畸变于事无补。A rapid rundown in inventories and temporary distortions in credit markets have not helped.

他把这种程式推荐给别人,包括他母亲,她那时病得很重。He recommended the Rundown to others, including his mother, who at the time was seriously ill.

这所学校座落在曼斯菲尔德的一个旧城区,周边都是用木板封着的房子。The school is located in a rundown area of Mansfield and boarded-up houses line the street around it.

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精挑细选2011最有吸引力的电影,来看看它们的预告片和小小介绍吧。For a full rundown of 2011's most intriguing movies, check the trailers and write-ups in the gallery above.

在我们开始之前,先来说一说一些在帮你挑最适合帽子时会用到专有词汇。Before we get started, let's do a quick rundown of some of the terms we'll be using to fit a hat to your mug.

我在鲁斯看到的共产时代建造的街区,是我在东欧地区看到的最破败的。The communist-era housing blocks I spot on the way out of Ruse are the most rundown I have seen in the region.

物理学家亚当·法尔科夫斯基的博客对与这一现象的解释有一个很好的概要。The Résonaances blog by physicist Adam Falkowski has a good rundown of the possible explanations for the signal.

城里的水泥建筑已经损毁剥落,农民们住在贫民窟里,基础设施年久失修。Its concrete tower blocks were crumbling, the peasant housing like slums, and the infrastructure chronically rundown.

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尽管不要求按照特定的次序,但是坚持这个次序有好处,可以保持代码简单。While there is no specific sequence required it has some advantages to stick to this rundown to keep the code simple.

很多非法移民生活的状况很恶劣,经常聚集在废弃的活动房或是停车场中。Many of the illegal immigrants have extremely basic living conditions, often staying together in rundown trailer parks.

那您一定对该地区的服装市场相当熟悉了。简要地给我介绍下如何?Then you must be quite familiar with the garment markets in that part of the world. How about giving me a rundown on it?