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其它还有哪些矢量How about more vectors?

它对矢量同样也成立It's also true for vectors.

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它们叫作单位矢量They are called unit vectors.

我能不能构造新的矢量Can I manufacture new vectors?

这就是矢量的加法法则This is the rule for adding vectors.

两个矢量组件对应相乘。Multiplies two vectors component-wise.

方向向量和上向量是线性相关的。Direction and up vectors are co-linear.

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两个向量之间的线性插值。Linearly interpolates between two vectors.

这些就是对矢量的一些认识So this is the notion of what vectors are.

表示四维向量。Representation of four-dimensional vectors.

然后得到平面上的两个给定向量。Then you have two vectors given on the plane.

例如其它的位矢,我想来看一下More position vectors? I want to look at that.

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但是,其中一个把函数映到向量。But, one of them goes from functions to vectors.

接下来我要介绍两个非常重要的矢量I'm going to introduce two very special vectors.

让我们试着计算出向量,U和。V Let's try to figure out these vectors U and V.

所以你们可以明确地计算这两个向量。So, you could compute these two vectors explicitly.

不能识别此航路点,请求雷达引导。Unable identify the waypoint, request radar vectors.

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还有问题么?,好,那么我们还能对向量干什么呢?OK, more questions? So, what else can we do with vectors?

同时也是,矢量相减的原理。And that brings us to the point of subtraction of vectors.

一般而言,载体有两种类型---病毒或DNA类。Typically, vectors are of two types ? viral- or DNA-based.