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他,就是李昌。He is just Li Chang.

刘畅喜欢数学。Liu Chang likes math.

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屈畅是一个工人。Qu Chang is a worker.

我可以请蒋先生讲话吗?May I speak to Mr. Chang?

我是在北京的艾米丽·常。I’m Emily Chang in Beijing.

刘畅能弹钢琴。Liu Chang can play the piano.

常予先是我最好的朋友。Chang Yuxian is my best friend.

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湖南省常德市人。Chang DE city of hunan province.

这就是矛盾地昌修。It is the conflicting Chang Soo.

你是王宏吗?我是昌洋。Are you Wang Hong? I am Chang Yang.

张先生比我们想像中聪明。Mr. Chang is smarter than we think.

遂昌凯恩大酒店真城欢迎您的到来!Welcome to the Sui Chang Kan Hotel!

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一般人们常把苦茶油。Generally people Chang Baku tea oil.

李昌又说起了儿子。Li Chang also talked about his sons.

刘畅课后都做什么?What does Liu Chang do after school?

你愿替我联络张先生吗?Would you connect me with Mr. Chang?

常先生要我转达给您的留言。Chang asked me to give you a message.

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告诉昌旺他写得很好。Tell Chang Wang that he wrote it well.

啊,张林一直在找这个笔记呢。Ah, Chang Ling has been looking for it.

安昌最美的是桥!Ann Chang is the most beautiful bridge!