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人们起来反抗君主的专制统治。People rose up against the despotic rule of their potentate.

青城王对青城王妃的心意,真正让人羡慕。The green city potentate truely makes people envy to the green city royal concubine's purpose.

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这是一位有主权、有统治权和有恩膏的尊贵君王,是任何委任或竞选都无法得到的地位。A potentate is a sovereign, a monarch, an anointed majesty—one who does not seek appointment or run for election.

王仁很照顾王天啊,居然能拿出这样的力量来保护他。Wang Ren looks behind good heavens potentate very much, incredibly tin take out strength favor this to protect him.

就在这时候,樱若忽然开口喊了一声父王,再喊了一声母妃。At by this time, if cherry suddenly the openings shouted a dad potentate and hurrahed again one melodious imperial concubine.

人群彻底散开,贺宸才站起身体,朝老王和子鱼走了过去。The crowd thoroughly spreads out, He Chen just the station begin a body, reign the old potentate and son fish walked pass by.

许多自然治疗治者定期使用果饮大餐,加上补充营养品,确实能可靠地起到增补和加速流食期的益处。Many natural healers have combined periods of Juice Feasting with certain supplements which potentate and speed up the benefits of the feast.

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她这时在扮演一群东方美女中的一个。在这出喜歌剧的第二幕中,宫廷大臣让这群美女列队从新登基的国王面前走过,炫耀他的这群后宫宝贝。Shewasnow one of a groupoforiental beauties who, in the second act of the comic opera, wereparadedbythe vizier before potentate as the treasures of his harem.

在人类的一生中,虚荣心影响之大是怎么夸张也不会过分的,从三岁幼童到皱皱眉就震动天下的君主无一例外。It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles.

从三岁小孩到─皱眉世界就会颤抖的君王,在整个人类生活的各个阶段夸大虚荣的影响是差不多不可能的。It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles.

这是一句很平常的话,但是她说这话时的风度却吸引了观众,他们开心地嘲笑着假装凶相、威严地站在这个年轻女人面前的国王。It was a trivial thing to say, and yet something in the way she did it caught the audience, which laughed heartily at the mock-fierce potentate towering before the young woman.

同时,当时美国社会以政府当权者为代表的长辈们的思想和行动,使得青年逐渐认识到这个社会的虚伪和束缚。Meanwhile, the American society was represented by the older who were the potentate in the government at that time, making youth people realized the hypocrisy and constraints of the society.

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当年的神魔大战,魔族之王不正是借着龙族这个强大的种族的力量,才能够与神族抗衡的吗?!The total being of those early annuals evil war, the potentate of evil clan is falsely loaning Long Zu this the strength of the race that is strong, so for to mate with absolute being clan?!