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比如说最方便。Whatever is the easiest.

他们是最容易跟着学的。Thay are the easiest to follow.

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有一些会是最简单的。For some they'll be the easiest.

老挝应该是最容易到达的。Laos should be the easiest stretch.

最简单的生活现在画上了休止符。The easiest part of life is over now.

什么格式对您来说最容易使用?What format is easiest for you to use?

我并没有把最难放在第一,最容易放在第一。I don't put hardest first, easiest first.

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那些“为什么”很容易理解。The "whys" are the easiest to figure out.

致富的最简单的方法就是不乱花费,因为乱花费会让你承担债务。The easiest way to wealth is to not spend.

这大概是是今季包款中最百搭的一款。This is probably the one easiest for match.

哪些音标最容易学呢?Which phonemic symbols are easiest to learn?

那些动作最流畅的人必是学过舞蹈的。Those move easiest who have learn'd to dance.

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但它是所有可能的方法中最容易的一种。But it will be easiest of all possible resources.

可以先从最简单的移动来感觉动作要领。Begin by doing the easiest moves to feel this out.

最近的路是从第二号公路上走。The easiest way is to go left on Commercial Avenue.

这样对你和牛都更容易一些。It's easiest for you, and it's easiest for the bull.

堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.

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形成阳碳的最简单的办法就是加上一个氢离子。The easiest way to make one is to add a hydrogen ion.

雕版印刷是一种最简单的凸版印刷。Block printing is the easiest kind of relief printing.

Etsy仍然是出售工艺品最方便的地方。Etsy remains one of the easiest places to sell crafts.