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血液检测提供了一个激素剖面泌尿科医师。Blood tests provide the urologist with a hormone profile.

而爱丁堡私立Spire医院的泌尿科医生也拒绝做此项手术。The urologist at Edinburgh's private Spire hospital would not do it either.

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检查完了,泌尿科医生建议做个膀胱镜。Once his work-up came back unrevealing, the urologist suggested a cystoscopy.

一位香港的泌尿科医师为此开了一些药,而且对问题有所帮助。A urologist in Hong Kong prescribed medicine for the condition and this has helped.

他是一位泌尿科医生,隶属于位于休斯顿的贝勒医科学院。Brantley Scott, a urologist affiliated with the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

我今天不能喝酒,我的男科大夫说最好别把酒精和青霉素混起来。No wine for me tonight. My urologist says it’s not good to mix alcohol and penicillin.

最后,泌尿外科获得的初期手术入路与出血减少以及高取石率相关。Finally, initial access obtained by the urologist is associated with less bleeding and higher stone-free rates.

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411医院的一位泌尿科医师说,前列腺疾病及不育等各种男性病的发病率正不断上升。A urologist with 411 Hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems and male sterility were rising.

9月21号,警方以涉嫌策划操纵这两起案件为由逮捕了武汉同济医学院的泌尿学专家肖传国。On 21 September, police arrested Xiao Chuanguo, a urologist at Tongji Medical College in Wuhan, on suspicion of master¬minding both plots.

我的治疗方案是,检查这位5岁小女孩的尿液,确定她未曾受到感染,然后转介给一位小儿泌尿科的专家。My plan was to check the 5-year-old’s urine, just to make sure she didn’t have an infection, and to offer a referral to a pediatric urologist.

重要的是,这种机能不全的静脉通过阻断血流在内部上被关闭了,它完成了泌尿科医生所做的事情,却没有进行手术。Essentially, the incompetent vein is "shut off" internally by preventing blood flow, accomplishing what the urologist does, but without surgery.

本文并回顾经皮肾造廔时,肾脏的相关构造位置以及经皮肾造廔手术的技巧,并提醒泌尿科医师这个罕见但严重的并发症。This report also reviews the anatomic and technical access to the kidney and reminds the urologist about this rare but serious complication of PCNL.

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女性妇科医生或男性泌尿科医师会帮助你们确定是否有任何症状需要请专家或者到不孕不育诊所接受治疗。A woman's gynecologist or a man's urologist can help determine whether there's an issue that requires a specialist or treatment at a fertility clinic.

我们概述了逐步、有用及高效的检索电子数据库的方法,并且把执业泌尿外科相关的资源介绍给读者。We outline a stepwise approach to an effective and efficient search of electronic databases and introduce the reader to resources most relevant to the practicing urologist.

定于在上海召开的‘国际泌尿外科学会第三十届大会’离开幕只有两个星期的时间了,我们邀请所有中国的泌尿外科的同行们关注这次国际大会期间令人兴奋的学术议程。With the 30th Congress of the SIU just two weeks away, we invite all of our Urologist colleagues in China to look over the exciting Scientific Programmefor this international event.

两位方氏所批评的对象之一,武汉的华中科技大学的泌尿学家肖传国被捕了,他被指控组织了这两起袭击。One of the objects of the two Fangs' criticisms Xiao Chuanguo a urologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan was arrested and charged with organising the assaults.

二位方先生的批评对象之一,武汉华中科技大学泌尿科医生肖传国因组织这两次攻击而被捕。One of the objects of the two Fangs' criticisms, Xiao Chuanguo, a urologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, was arrested and charged with organising the assaults.

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两位方先生的指责对象,同时也是武汉华中科技大学泌尿外科医生——肖传国因操纵该起袭击案而被逮捕。One of the objects of the two Fangs’ criticisms, Xiao Chuanguo, a urologist at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, was arrested and charged with organising the assaults.

纽约雷诺克斯山医院的泌尿科医生伊丽莎白·卡瓦勒称,激发女性性兴奋的因素极为复杂,也许期望小小一片药就能完全解决有关性冷淡的问题是不切实际的。Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, a urologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, says arousal in women is so complicated that it may be unrealistic to expect a pill to completely address sexual problems.