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我是下流痞子,不值得你守寡!I am a dirty ruffian, widowhood is not worth you!

对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincerely.

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她的早寡注定了她要过困苦的生活。Her early widowhood condemned her to lead a life of hardship.

守寡的打击和悲伤让人难以承受。Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.

她们如同寡妇被禁,直到死的日子。So they were shut up unto the day of their death, living in widowhood.

当遭遇离婚或寡居时,这将使她们在经济上非常脆弱。This leaves them economically vulnerable when divorce or widowhood strikes.

静居守寡的那种优悠自得的境地,就是使太太精神振作的唯一希望。The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keep up a wife's spirits.

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静居守寡的那种优悠自得的境地,就是使太太精神振作的惟一希望。The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.

在鸽子归舍之后的几个星期后,守寡的雄鸽会在圣诞节时配对。The widowhood cocks are mated at Christmas, a couple of weeks after the stock birds.

她表明自己寡妇的身份,正好树起一道屏障以抵挡那些讨厌的男人的关注。Her statement confirmed her widowhood even as it erected a barrier against unwanted male attention.

犹大就给了她,与她同寝,她就从犹大怀了孕。她玛起来走了,除去帕子,仍旧穿上作寡妇的衣裳。And she arose, and went away, and laid by her vail from her, and put on the garments of her widowhood.

结束了那段当初草率决定的婚姻后,她寡居的生活终于恢复到井井有条的状态。She finally had her life orderly again, after the end of a most ill-advised marriage and a blessed widowhood.

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要是她胆敢在我不在的时候嫁了人,那就是她存心要在不到二十岁时尝尝做寡妇的滋味!If she has dared to marry in my absence, she'll be like to know the pleasures of widowhood before she is twenty!

本书其余四分之三以上的篇幅描述的是奥茨对暗无天际的寡妇生活的感受。The rest of the book, over three-quarters of it, sees Ms Oates feeling her way through the inky darkness of widowhood.

对于寡居效应的发现对于医务工作者来说并非新闻,他们早已观察了多起相似的案例。Findings on the widowhood effect don't come as news to medical professionals, who have observed similar patterns of increased mortality.

就是守寡一年的孝期也够了,何况是面对并不怎么美好的短暂爱情。Have been that filial piety for 1 year is also enough to expect that live in widowhood , not to mention being brief not how fine love to face.

衰老经常通过某些仪式进行演绎,例如孙子出生的庆祝仪式,或者寡妇的服丧期。Ageing is frequently interpreted through rituals, the celebratory ones of the birth of a grandson for instance, or the tragic mourning in widowhood.

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安灼拉因他的伟大事业使他束身鳏居而抱怨,我们这些人,多少有些情妇使我们狂热,也就是说使我们勇敢。Enjolras complains of his greatness, which binds him to widowhood. The rest of us have mistresses, more or less, who make us crazy, that is to say, brave.

南方少数民族妇女,在婚前、婚后都不落夫家,并且在寡居期间均有着广泛的社交活动及性选择的自由。Women of the southern minorities have extensive freedoms in social activities and sex, no matter when they are married, after marriages, alone or in widowhood.

他的权威来自这样一个事实,那就是他是个使用寡居法的大师,并且在比利时享有使用寡居方法第一人的名声。His superiority however arose from the fact that he was a maestro at the widowhood method and held the reputation of being one of the first to use it in Belgium.