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这名士兵光荣退伍了。The soldier was honorably discharged.

Corbis我的竞选对手麦凯恩参议员为美国作出的贡献令人尊敬。My opponent, Senator McCain, has served his country honorably.

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他总是会「公平地比赛」,与诚实地遵守比赛规则。He will always "play fair" and honorably keep the rules of the game.

创造性地、辉煌的、体面地为人们服务and to creatively, brilliantly, and honorably serve the highest good of all.

沃思回忆道,获奖者将会在公司简报中被“荣幸”地提及。The winner would be honorably mentioned in the company newsletter, Ms. Worth recalls.

他已婚,有两个孩子,曾是童子军的领袖,光荣地在美国空军服过役。He was married with two children, was a Boy Scout leader, served honorably in the U. S.

如今,彻底抛弃此类白痴行为,体面的为我们的目标而努力,已成为我们共同的职责。It is our collective duty in this age to throw off such idiocy, and work honorably toward our intent.

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在弥留之际,他给情妇留下足够钱财,让她“体面地”度过余生。On his deathbed, he bequeathed his mistress enough money to live "honorably" for the rest of her life.

再一次提醒,记住,错误已经发生,真诚的采取行动是第一要务。Again, remember that mistakes happen, but acting honorably should always be the first order of business.

很多事情其实本可以体面地接受,而一旦诉诸法律则未免遭人侧目。Moreover many things may be accepted honorably enough which it would be dishonorable to sue for in court.

当他走上十架的时候,他以极大的勇气,荣耀地付出生命。When the time came for his death, he had greatest of all-courage, and accepted his sacrificed-life, honorably.

当地政府还在他死后为他死于工作岗位上而授予他一个奖章。Local officials posthumously honored Guo with an award usually reserved for officials who die honorably on the job.

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我相信中国将很体面地主持这届世博会,同时让世界受益!I believe that China will honorably host a magnificant World Expo while simultaneously rewarding the world with splendors !

第二次世界大战名将艾森豪威尔以“荣耀地完毕朝鲜战争”的许诺博得选票,中选美国第34届总统。The second world war by "honorably cha Eisenhower ended the Korean war" promise of win votes, elected U. S. 34th President.

所有参加本次竞选的候选人均有上述目标,他们都有好的政见,都是光荣服务于这个国家的爱国志士。All of the candidates in this race share these goals. All have good ideas. And all are patriots who serve this country honorably.

近日上海虹桥美爵酒店被提名为2010年度世界奢华酒店。Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai is honorably nominated as World Luxury Hotel 2010 by the prestigious World Luxury Hotel Awards committee.

“新闻有限公司”首席执行官约翰、哈提根对这项引起争议的事件表示,他相信他的员工行为端正。The chief executive of News Limited, John Hartigan, responded to the controversy by saying he believed his employees have behaved honorably.

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这将是一个历史性的成就一个民族为太多年一直阻碍、高度熟练的战士天赋体面地服务。It will be a historic achievement for a nation that for too many years has prevented talented, highly skilled soldiers from honorably serving.

你们如今若按诚实正直待耶路巴力和他的家,就可因亚比米勒得欢乐,他也可因你们得欢乐。if then you have acted honorably and in good faith toward Jerub-Baal and his family today, may Abimelech be your joy, and may you be his, too!

而且即使谷歌现在的表现受人尊敬,但要建立一个充满诱惑的系统,公司总是有可能受到财政压力。And even if Google is behaving honorably now, it is creating a system full of temptations should the company ever come under financial pressure.