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可能是Netscape内存不足或正忙。Netscape may be out of memory or busy.

网景2只支持少数事件。Netscape 2 supported only a few events.

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等到其他的浏览器追上来的时候,网景完成了更多这样的扩展。By the time other browsers catch up, Netscape has made even more additions.

如何能把我的大量书签从网景浏览器转到火狐浏览器中?How do I transfer my extensive list of book marks from Netscape to Firefox?

最后,网景公司和微软公司的浏览器居于主宰地位。Subsequently, browsers produced by Netscape and Microsoft have become predominant.

因此微软曾拼命地“希望”--不,准确说是“需要”--在1996年干掉网景公司。This was the reason it desperately wanted — no, needed — to take down Netscape in 1996.

正如黑道家族的规矩一样,网景黑手党们集合起来重聚了。And as Mafia families sometimes do, the Netscape Mafia is coming together for a reunion.

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在网景公司的呼吁下,FBI成功地对微软实施了反垄断起诉。With Netscape crying foul, the Feds successfully pressed an antitrust suit against Microsoft.

在网景公司的呼吁下,FBI成功地对微软实施了反垄断起诉。With Netscape crying foul, the Feds successfully pressed an anti-trust suit against Microsoft.

网景特此准许返回您一个非专有、免版税使用任何这类材料的权利。Netscape hereby licenses back to you a nonexclusive , royalty-free right to use any such material.

至少像微软、Sun、IBM和Netscape这几家公司是这么认为的。Or so, at least, say a number of computer-industry firms such as Microsoft, Sun, IBM and Netscape.

IE最大的竞争对手网景公司已经退居其次,基本上没有竞争。There was virtually no competition, as IE’s biggest competitor Netscape had fallen by the wayside.

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网景正打算在商业世界里给我们提供一场大规模的、真正全球化的市集尝试。Netscape is about to provide us with a large-scale, real-world test of the bazaar model in the commercial world.

网景公司实际上只是打算创建一个能用于通过网络,阅读保存在其他计算机上的文字和照片的程序。Netscape wasn’t just trying to build a program for reading text and photos across a network of connected computers.

最后,网景被逼得几乎窒息,这时司法部出面以触犯反垄断法的罪名将微软送上法庭。Eventually, Netscape was reduced to also-ran status — and the Justice Department took Microsoft to court on antitrust violations.

例如,在90年代大多数的用户代理字符串依然是以“Mozilla”开始,以用于Netscape检测,有好几年Opera伪装是IE浏览器。For instance, most UA strings still start with “Mozilla” to get through the Netscape checks used in the 90′s, and for several years

火狐母公司Mozilla的创始人们怀揣着改变网络浏览体验的想法,从Netscape的废墟上一路走来。Mozilla's founders, who spawned Firefox, walked away from the ashes of Netscape with a desire to change the Web browsing experience.

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在多变的立体构架上采用双层衬垫式网状系统,营造出一个三维的如浪般的遮阳百叶。Netscape utilizes a double layer of netting in varying configurations to create a three-dimensional field of billowing shade louvers.

如果网景能借此重夺市场份额,或许会引发软件业一场等待许久的革命。If Netscape regains substantial market share through this move, it just may set off a long-overdue revolution in the software industry.

1990年代末,她以网景公司代理人的角色,竭力把比尔·盖茨及其同伴描绘成一群贪得无厌的恶棍。As an attorney who represented Netscape in the late 1990s, she was instrumental in painting Bill Gates and company as overeager bullies.