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介绍一个DOS操作系统的菜单程序。DOS menu programmed by using Novell Netware principles is presented.

另外他们也将协助Novell工作,以扩展到Linux平台上。Additionally they will be working with Novell to extend support to Linux.

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那么去年秋天和Novell达成的协议又将扮演什么样的角色呢?How does this play out in regards to the Novell agreement made this last fall?

我想VMware应该考虑通过收购他们新近的最佳合作伙伴-Novell来提供更多更加完备的软件套件。I think VMware should look into providing more of a complete software stack by buying its new best buddy, Novell.

我可以补充说,这一点正在发生,尽管事实是,Novell对许多Linux用户来说名声不好。This, I might add, is happening despite the fact that Novell doesn't have a good reputation with many Linux users.

通过自行设计的网桥,实现了以NOVELL网低层软件支持的SCADA系统向以DECNET支持的MIS系统的实时数据传送。Using a network bndge designed by ourselves the SCADA which is based on NOVELL can communicate with MIS which is supported by DECNET.

这两个产品之前由Novell拥有并资助,但当Attachmate接管公司后就放弃了该项目。These two products were previously owned and funded by Novell but the project was abandoned when Attachmate took possession of the company.

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这个协议使得Novell可以提供许多兼容操作系统核心的重要软件,因此能够增强了windows和Linux之间的协同工作能力和通用性。It lets Novell provide important software that complements the core, or kernel, of the operating system and enables interoperability between Windows and Linux.

本文针对NOVELL教学网常见的问题,通过对NOVELL的几个重要瓶颈进行分析、优化,提出解决问题的方法。In accordance with the common problems appeared in the NOVELL local area netware, this paper advances solutions after analyzing and perfecting several NOVELL bottlenecks.

鲍尔默还赞扬了Novell在知识产权方面做的工作,并暗示除了微软,开源企业还会跟其他专利拥有者产生类似的冲突。Ballmer praised Novell at the UK event for valuing intellectual property, and suggested that open source vendors will be forced to strike similar deals with other patent holders.

虽然Novell已经淡化处理,而微软也尚未行使任何权利,但这个问题仍然是保持Linux纯粹的公司的眼中钉。Although Novell has downplayed the deal and Microsoft has yet to exercise any rights, this issue remains a thorn in the side of the otherwise very community-friendly Linux company.

现在坊间已经有传闻说VMware可能会在某个时侯收购Novell.我对这个传闻了解并不多,但我却知道这对于这两家公司都有着非常重要的意义。There have been rumors for some time that VMware might buy Novell. I don't know much about those rumors, but I do know that it's a deal that makes a lot of sense for both companies.

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通过在Novell局域网上添加特定的考试用户,实现随堂机试,自动回收,并且最大程度地限制了考试用户的作弊。By way of adding specific examinee users to NOVELL LAN, on-computer examination can be realized with the functions of automatic gathering of participants answers and maximum restriction of cheating.