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一个老笑话、仍然是个疑团。An oldie , but still a puzzlement.

那张暴躁的脸孔蹙了起来,显得有些迷惑。The choleric face distorts in a look of puzzlement.

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1972年的76人却没有这样的困惑。There was no such puzzlement about the 76ers in 1972.

那个职员看了看,迷惑的摇了摇头。The officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement.

带着青春的迷茫与冲动让我拥抱你。You make me embrace you with youthful puzzlement and impluse.

用来表示惊讶,惊奇,欣喜若狂,迷惑或愠怒。Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement , or pique.

“三个筛子?哪三个筛子?”那人不解的问。"Three sieves? Which three sieves?" the man asked with puzzlement.

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此次失败使迷茫的感觉更加深入。The ultimate cause of failure only deepens the sense of puzzlement.

青年期行为还有一个重要的特征就是充满了困惑。Puzzlement is another significant characteristic of behaviours in the period of youth.

黄孟文文化选择的困境是华裔在新加坡多元文化生态中的必然遭遇。Huang Menwen's puzzlement was the experience of overseas Chinese in Singapore's multi-culture.

我回到楼下,同学们都盯着我看,我疑惑得看着他们六个人。I came back down to find my classmates staring at me. I looked at all six faces in puzzlement.

霍金的新理论在主要物理教授中掀起了怀疑论和疑惑风波。Hawing's new theory produced waves of skepticism and puzzlement from leading physics professors.

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祖母,一个夜伏者,和我都在客厅,疑惑的看着对方。Grandma, a nocturnal person, and I were in the living room. We looked at each other in puzzlement.

含泪的沧桑,无限的困惑,因为遇见了你,才会有更深的意义。Tearful vicissitudes, limitless puzzlement , because has met you, will just have a deeper meaning.

我指了指那条狗。“你能介绍一下它吗?”那个职员看了看,迷惑的摇了摇头。I pointed to the dog. 'Can you tell me about him?' The officer looked, then shook his head in puzzlement.

而贾妮斯,也成为了卡贝尔怪客组的非正式成员之一,这让瑞克和丽莎颇有些不解。Janice, too, had become an unofficial member of Cabell's eldritch clique, much to Rick and Lisa's puzzlement.

起电云的极性问题几百年来一直令人困惑和争论不休。The polarity of electrified clouds has been a source of puzzlement and controversy for several hundred years.

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这个问题一直困扰了我很久,直到这个暑假,我才恍然大悟。This puzzlement had been haunting my mind for a long time and not until this summer vacation did I get its point!

我们有必要认真审视一下现代文明的弊端,找到我们人类迷惘的原因。It is worthwile to ponder over the shortcomings of modern civilization in order to find the reason for our puzzlement.

出租车司机的工作,常常令经济学家困惑,平日里他们工作很长时间,赶上繁忙的节假日更得早起拉活。TAXI drivers, to the puzzlement of economists, often work long hours on slow days and clock off early in busy periods.