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旅行开始了。The journey begins.

这次旅程很短暂。This journey is brief.

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行程从这里开始。The journey starts here.

是一次面向未来之旅。A journey for the future.

他出发旅行。He departed on a journey.

今天开始你的旅行吧。Start your journey today.

祝你们俩一路顺风。A pleasant journey to you!

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我祝你一路顺风。I wish you a safe journey.

开始旅行吧!Starting out on a journey.

但是科学是一次长途旅行。But science is the journey.

这是我人生旅途的一部分。This is part of my journey.

我须作一次旅行。I have a journey to perform.

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旅行就是生命本身。The journey is life itselfs.

但是文物的旅行并没有就此结束。But the journey was not over.

那是个危险的旅程。That was a hazardous journey.

古老的丝绸之路之旅。Journey the ancient Silk Road.

那是一场令人难忘的旅行。That was a remarkable journey.

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请收看他的精彩旅程,从0到42公里!Watch her journey from 0-42km!

再一次的太空环行。Another journey into the space.

瓢泼大雨阻碍了我们的旅行。Heavy rain impeded our journey.