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然后是一声枪响。Then a single gunshot.

除了枪声之外,就没有任何证据了。Beyond that gunshot there’s no evidence.

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枪声一下子把三只鸟给惊飞了。The gunshot started three birds at one time.

马鞭抽打的声音好比打枪的声音一样响。A cracking whip can sound as loud as a gunshot.

其中有五个受伤者身中多枪。Five of the injured had multiple gunshot wounds.

树上的鸟被枪声吓跑了。The birds in the tree were roused by the gunshot.

警察说,一名22岁西班牙男子中弹身亡。A 22-year-old Hispanic man died of gunshot wounds, police said.

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然后是一声枪声,声音回荡着。Then a single gunshot. The sound reverberates around the stand.

29岁的斯滕坎普头部、臀部和手臂中枪。Steenkamp, 29, suffered gunshot wounds to her head, hip and arm.

该设备属于Qinetiq公司听觉射击定位产品系列。The devices are part of Qinetiq's Ears Gunshot Localization product line.

收费,或引诱,是欺骗枪伤鸭子范围的做法。Tolling, or luring, is the practice of tricking ducks into gunshot range.

受伤者伤口源于枪击,但军方拒绝承认使用了实弹。The injured suffered gunshot wounds but the army denied using live rounds.

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监视摄像头一旦“听”见枪响,就会循声放大枪声地点的录像画面。When a gunshot is detected, the surveillance camera zooms in on that spot.

两国的人民白天黑夜都能听到间歇的炮击声。The people in these two countries heard intermittent gunshot day and night.

只有一次,我们听到老远一声枪响,估计他们是在打猎。Only once we heard a gunshot a great way off, and supposed them to be hunting.

在相当长的一段时间,都不能确定祖父的枪伤是否致命。For some time, it was uncertain whether Arnoldus would survive his gunshot wound.

该组织称,他们已经遣返了275名埃塞俄比亚人,当中部分人受枪伤。It says it's already repatriated 275 Ethiopians, some of whom had gunshot wounds.

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即便如此,枪伤仍然使吉米这位年轻的丈夫同时也是两个小孩的父亲Even so, the gunshot wounds left the young husband and father of two small children

窗户的遮棚发出砰的一声,象炮声一样。她的猫吓得跳起四尺高。The window shade snapped up like a gunshot. Her cat leaped four feet off the floor.

街道冷清,只能听到几声狗叫和零星的枪声。The streets went completely quiet, except for a few barking dogs and the odd gunshot.