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是的,它导致有害身心的业力。Yes, it leads to unwholesome karma.

这个城市的气候有害健康。The climate in this city is unwholesome.

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结果是我们或许会作出很多不健康的举动。As a result, we may commit many unwholesome actions.

于是医生给蛇传授了修习五学处的方法,教他改恶从善。So he taught him the Five Training Steps to avoid unwholesome actions.

再说,吸烟是一个不良的习惯,也是引起许多疾病的主要因素。And then, smoking is an unwholesome lifestyle and causes a variety of diseases.

您也可以防止有害成份,出现在商业婴儿食品。You can also avoid unwholesome ingredients that show up in commercial baby food.

不全面的单向聚焦是可能的,但是它不会带来解脱。Unwholesome one- pointedness is also possible, but it will not lead to liberation.

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1574年,草药医师伦伯特·多登斯认为西红柿“对健康有害”,应予禁止。In 1574, herbalist Rembert Dodoens deemed the tomato " unwholesome , " and forbidden.

可能她正在预尝一点由恶业决定的不幸的来生的苦味。Perhaps she was having a foretaste of her unhappy future because of unwholesome kamma.

有益和有害的政府信息之间的界线并不那么容易划分。The lines between salubrious and unwholesome government information are not easy to draw.

这个是因为我们不健全的身、口、意所造的业,才使我们在生死轮迴中一直轮转。It is unwholesome actions of body, mouth, and mind that are keeping us revolving in samsara.

通过战胜内心的欲望,我知道我已经战胜了那些不健康的念头。By conquering the craving in my mind, I know I have won the battle against unwholesome thoughts.

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只要“身见”存在,这些旧恶业就会非常猛烈,充满力量。As long as personality-belief exists, these old unwholesome actions are fiery and full of strength.

他们夜里逼迫我姐夫在有害的雾气里干活,白天又命令他回来套车。They kept him out in the unwholesome mistsat night, and ordered him back into his harness in the day.

在这一小时的审讯是不健康保全声誉很少或没有给上帝。In that hour of trial the unwholesome preservation of our reputation is of little or no consequence to God.

被染污的心识只会为未来带来负面影响,知道这一点很重要。It is important to know that the defiled unwholesome states of mind can only bring negative effects in the future.

从佛教的观点看,这些武器的出现是由于潜在的核武器受害者的恶业。From the Buddhist point of view, these weapons have appeared because of the unwholesome kamma of their potential victims.

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他散漫无益的思绪刚停了一小会儿,又开始奋力向那女人的追去。His rambling, unwholesome thoughts were halted for a while, but presently regained their vigor and raced after the woman.

而早一日采取相关回收措施并发出警告,就可以早一日避免市民的健康受损。The sooner the FEHD warns the public of unwholesome foods and has them recalled, the sooner can citizens avoid their harm.

他说,奥克兰已不再是和谐的种族混合的城市,而是“开始有了不健康的中国味”。The man said that instead of seeing a balanced ethnic mix the city had "started to acquire an unwholesome Chinese flavour".