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科威特蕴藏着丰富的石油资源。Kuwait is rich in oil resources.

萨巴赫家族统治科威特至今已284个春秋。Sabah Family had ruled Kuwait for 284years.

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对比洛杉矶与巴黎,科威特与杜拜也是如此。Compare Los Angeles to Paris, Kuwait to Dubai.

沙特阿拉伯与科威特提供现金。Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were bankrolling Iraq.

沙特阿拉伯与科威特为伊拉克提供现金。Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were bankrolling Iraq.

科威特的经济命脉极其依赖石油。THE economy of Kuwait is exceedingly well oiled.

属于或关于科威特国或其人民的。Of or relating to the kingdom of Kuwait or its people.

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一枚导弹击中了科威特城一家关闭的购物中心。A missile struck a closed shopping mall in Kuwait City.

2008年,一群鸽子在被沙尘覆盖的科威特城上方飞行。Pigeons and dust cloud a street in Kuwait City in 2008.

科威科油井产油几乎五百倍于美国油井。Kuwait oil wells yield nearly 500 times more than U. wells.

您可能达到的北部和南部的部分科威特的巴士。You may reach the northen and southern part of Kuwait by bus.

文莱的苏丹和巴林的王子和科威特的酋长都会参加婚礼。The Sultan of Brunei will attend, along with the Sheikh of Kuwait.

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科威特城被推选为亚奥理事会永久性总部。Kuwait the city was elected as the permanent headquarters of the OCA.

我们被告知将前往科威特城,然后我们就出发了。We were told we were going to move into Kuwait city, and we moved out.

访问过科威特之后,我坐飞机到了沙特阿拉伯,与法赫德国王会谈了几个小时。After Kuwait , I flew to Saudi Arabia for a few hours to see King Fahd.

你下次访问科威特,看看没有进一步的比科威特摄政。For your next visit to Kuwait, look no further than The Regency Kuwait.

她说,在科威特和伊拉克还有可以发出的其他储备物资。Other stockpiles of supplies are available in Kuwait and Iraq, she said.

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阿联酋已经开始改善劳动环境,科威特则宣布改革劳工法。The UAE moved to improve conditions and Kuwait announced a reform of labor laws.

他们和来自科威特的消费者高居境外人士在英免税购物榜首。They and shoppers from Kuwait top the UK's list for tax-free spending in the UK.

NATS公司已经在阿曼、伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯和科威特完成相似的项目。NATS Inc. has completed similar projects in Oman, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.