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骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

一场决定王国命运的战斗!Joust for the fate of the kingdom!

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无论是顿时格斗还是步行格斗,我都没有遇到过对手。For I have never met my match in joust or duel.

无论是马上格斗还是步行格斗,我都没有遇到过对手。For I have never met my match in joust or duel.

你的顿时格斗不错嘛,先生,我提供你另一柄枪。You joust well, sir, I offer you another lance.

你为什么不能按国王要求的那样和我们一齐格斗?Why couldn't you just come joust with us, the way the king wanted?

我也是他们当中的一员,夹在那些你争我夺、混战着的身躯当中,一场生活的拼搏。I am among them, among their battling bodies in a medley, the joust of life.

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不过你得先多吃点东西,这样你在陛下面前就会更漂亮和丰满。Best start eating more, so you'll be nice and plump when you joust before Her Grace.

布什使用或其他与逗弄,通过竞争的方法来表决。Use George Bush or Others and joust your way through the competition to get the vote.

出于其第一点设计意图,枪尖很少有在战斗中磨尖过,而在中世纪作为娱乐的枪术比赛里则从不把枪头磨尖。For the first purpose it is seldom mounted with a sharp "Point of War" and never sharpened for the purpose of recreating a medieval joust.