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不许浪费食物。No wasting food.

所以究竟是谁乱花钱了?So who ended up wasting money?

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你纯粹是在花消时间!You're just wasting your time!

你只是白费心机。You are just wasting your time.

问他是白费口舌。Asking him is wasting my breath.

所以,为什么要浪费那三年呢?So, why not wasting three years?

犯不着把时间浪费在我这儿。You're wasting your time with me.

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例如,消磨时间之乐?‘The Joy of Wasting time’, perhaps?

不浪费时间是值得尊重的。Time is respected by not wasting it.

是的,认为我是在浪费时间。Yes, and that I was wasting my time.

那些不法之徒是不会浪费任何时间的。The scavengers aren't wasting any time.

我们必须避免过分放纵和铺张浪费。We should avoid over-indulge and wasting.

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玩‘大富翁’游戏是在浪费时间。You're wasting your time playing Monopoly.

过去这得在医院浪费一天的时间。Instead of wasting the day at the hospital?

你这是跟我白费时间,乔纳森!You’re wasting your time with me, Jonathan!

这件事你完全是在浪费时间。意见仅供参考。Youre wasting your time with that . Just FYI.

浪费时间,必然是最大的挥霍。Wasting of time must bethegreatest prodigality.

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他后悔曾浪费时间玩电脑游戏。He regretted wasting time playing computer games.

你要想问我那些,就是在浪费时间You're wasting your time asking somebody like me.

如果我什么都没做,我是在浪费我的时间和我的生命。If I did nothing, I was wasting my timeand my life.